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Found 2 results

  1. worked for my company just over a year, last week i crashed my company van into the back of a vectra. The car just stopped dead, and i went into the back of it, total accident. The front of the van was a mess, due to the car infront having a tow bar. I was doing 30mph in a 50 area due to traffic About 4 weeks ago i reversed into fence and damged the back light, nothing major just the lens broken. I followed all company procedures. Today i arrived home to be greeted to a letter asking me to come in for an invistigation meeting, regarding gross misconduct. the allegations are: 1. that i have "been involved in 2 separate road traffic accidents, in a short period of time" 2. "That phone records indicate that i moments before and after i was using my company mobile" 3. the tracker for the van shows that i have been "driving my van in a dangerous manner on numerous occasion" My thoughts: 1. fair enough, this is true. 2. I have bluetooth hands free, provided by the company on both the van and phone, so always use this to call people. It is voice activatedand the phone sits on a mount. This isnt illegal, and provided by the company. Plus the wording is odd. "before and after" of course i would be using it after, i called work to say i had crashed the van. 3. This is the 1st time i have heard about this. I knew there was a tracker, and i knew it could tell how i drove, but at no point have i been told i was driving dangerously. As far as i can tell from the company polices is only point 2 can be construed as gross misconduct, as it states that using a handheld phone while driiving is gross misconduct. But i wasnt, plus i dont think they would have the means to tell if i was holding the phone or if it was mounted. And if my driving is so dangerous why am i still and have been since tuesday, driving a replacment van? I expected an investigation for crashing twice in a short space of time, but gross misconduct has thrown me totally. Should i go in all guns blazing at the investigation? Is there anything i should do? or say? Could it be a mistalke? thanks for your help.
  2. Some photo's we're accidentally transferred into this program while trying to open them and now, every time I try to open the program, it crashes/freezes, I then have to switch the laptop off and back on again.
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