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Found 6 results

  1. I'm posting on here to see if anyone has had any success with fighting CWD in UK court as far as UAE debt is concerned. There seem to be a number of posts with varying information but no real news of successful or unsuccessful outcomes. Thanks
  2. Hi, I've joined this form after searching for advice on a solictors called Coyle White Devine. I'm hoping some can help and advise me? Letter recently received from Coyle White Devine relating to indebtedness to Dubai First to the tune of approx £200k GBP. The letter was sent to my home address, but addressed to a diferent person. Same first and last name, but a different middle name. The letter also had an incorrect email address i.e. not mine. Atttached to the letter, is an initial letter written to a person with the same name as me, but to a completelty different address. I emailed CWD and I got a response that said (I paraphrase), they get lots of denials and why should I be different as the details supplied to them by their client gave them my name and address. They are refusing to act upon my wishes to correct this error and have asked for a scanned copy of my passport to confirm who I am. I do not want to do this for fear of identity fraud, which probably what is happening now, as I've never been to the UAE or middle East. I have spoken to the Solicitors Regulations Authority and they said they could look at the compliant, but advised I seek legal advice from a solicitor due to the 48 hour statutory demand detailed in the letter from CWD. Any advice on hw to deal with this?
  3. Hi After returning back to the UK a few years ago, we carried on paying the balance on our credit card. We never missed any and fully intended on clearing it off. Having asked for the balance, we realised that not only it had not gone down, in fact it had gone up after months of repayment. Apparently the bank had decided to change the interest rates without telling us. We tried contacting the bank and were told that we had to pay a ridiculous amount. Our initial debt was around 5k and contacting the bank to get a settlement figure, thinking that after all the payments the balance would have gone down, we were told that the change in the interest rate had gone up from less than 1% a month to about 22%. At this point, feeling angry as we couldn t resolve this and no notice had been given, I stopped the payments. Now six years later, I have received a letter from Coyle White Devine solicitors based in the UK with a letter of claim and a cut and paste point regarding an exoress term within the contract within the NBD bank alledgedly saying I had signed a contract stating that the bank could pursue legal proceedings due to a non exclusive jurisdiction clause within the contract. They had satisfied themselves of my indebtedness, the figure quoted in the letter had skyrocketed to £70000! Attached to the letter of claim was "without prejudice save as to costs" and that the bank is willing to negotiate to the interest level and settle close to the point of default. 21 days have been given. No contract has been sent of the credit agreement, no original terms of business signed has been sent, no proof of assignment has been given as of yet apart from claiming to be acting on behalf of the bank. Strong impression is that the solicitor is acting like a bonafide debt collector under the umbrella of being a solicitor, stating they are securing 30-40 judgments per month for such debts. My understanding is CWD does not mention judgment made in Dubai, and I understand the limitation period is 15 years in Dubai. No judgemnet in Dubai means i think that this needs to be dealt with under English covil law, is the alledged debt statute barred as its over six years? Finally, there has been several court rulings in Dubai on a particular case as of last year rejecting local banks seeking high interest on CC debts and stating they have a duty to inform debtors of changes in interest rates and ruling that the debtor should only pay back the principal sum owed at the time of default. Ps doesn't interest go against islamic shariat law? I welcome your sensible constructive comments on this please. Thanks
  4. Any follow up to this? Looking for advice on how to tackle CWD myself. Thanks
  5. could someone contact me if they have any information on this 50/50 thing mentioned on here as cwd love to build up costs i am a mover and they have teamed up with the national guild of removers and storers ( look them up ) they seem like a nasty bunch who feed of high fees they have links with the owners of the ngrs so although they work for them they also i feel work very closely with the owners of cwd and both were directors of a company fast lane publishing and the day they left the ngrs directors took over there is a link i don't know if the bank thing and the ngrs is all they do ? its seems like a nice little earner to me . dose anyone know any other groups they are after ? i think you will find that they will only chase someone who has to pay them costs ! at a guess i bet they sit on anything till its over 10k thats what they do with removers then boy do they pile on the costs you are all not alone. do your research i have a face book page called are you having problems with the guild of removers and storers ltd also look up geoff salt in the andrew penman rouge traders page of the mirror where you will see his reaction ( geoff ) to me catching him out side court when he had just lost a case !! this is who cwd represent
  6. Hi All Left UAE in early 2012. Had a loan with a bank and intended to carry on paying the repayments after I got back. Made one payment and then got a frantic call from the bank. They were very concerned that I had left the UAE as advised by my UAE ex-employer. They demanded full settlement and when I explained this was impossible, they said they would discuss internally and get back to me I made a payment of the next instalment and went on line the next day to check the credit had gone into my UAE account from the UK bank. The UAE bank account on line access was denied and I was unable to confirm if received etc. Money left UK bank no problem, but no idea if received, so decided to wait for the UAE bank to contact me again. No contact for 2 and half years until a letter from Coyle White Devine which I know others have received, now demanding full settlement at least twice the original amount Not sure what to do now. Do I wait for the SD to arrive and have it set aside? Do I contact CWD now via email and try and set up a repayment plan? Any thoughts much appreciated
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