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Found 3 results

  1. Wife had a Burtons card from 2003-2014 and I submitted complaint via Santander website, cited numerous reasons for PPi missell and had a reply today: Seems they don't think they should uphold ( unsurprised !) but for 2 of the reasons I gave they want more info about in the form of a questionnaire, savings i.e where they came from and where were they lodged ??? Also she works for NHS and they want proof of her sickness benefits at the time ?? Haven't got any proof of savings but can hopefully get something cobbled together from her employer but will this suffice? Whats annoyed me is there's no acknowledgement or reasons for not upholding other areas of my complaint such as: adequate needs assessment being carried out, training of staff , pre ticking of the box on the form, saying it was mandatory.
  2. Hi Guys, Im a newbie here and would really need your help, I've been mis-sold PPI and would like to claim back. I have discovered that I had PPI from HSBC from a £1000 loan. Just found out that I have been paying some sort of PPI every month on my Burton Store Card, (I don't know how much I have paid, all i know Ive had that card for years!) And im not sure I had PPI on my Barclay credit card. Can someone please tell me how much will ill be able to get back. And also may layman terms explain to me in bullet points on how to go on about claiming them back. People please help me, I just want to clear out my debt and would really appreciate some angle here will get me through this.
  3. Hi there, Please can anyone help. I had a Principles card many,many years ago (GE Finance at first I think), it then changed to Santander and it called a Burtons card. I have just realised that I am still paying Acc Cover PPI on this. If I was to make a claim who would it be with - GE finance or Santander? many thanks
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