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  1. Currently resident in Scotland but seriously thinking of moving to England or Wales six months prior to going belly up. My intention is to be unemployed from start of deed until discharge a year later. However as I understand it in Scotland even if you have a "nil contribution" IPA set at point of sequestration it remains live for a further three years after discharge - ie if after discharge you start earning above the threshold payments will have to be made for a further three years until the four year duration of the IPA has expired. Conversely in England and Wales if no IPA is set at outset of Bankruptcy due to low / no earnings after discharge a year later there is no outstanding liabilty and you are not subjected to a further three years of monitoring/payments. Has anyone gone belly up in Scotland under this relatively new system where they have been discharged after a year subsequently found work and been subjected to making payments. Is it monitored quite closely by the AIB . Indeed I suspect it may be to early as did the new legislation only come into effect this April. It may cost three times as much in England and Wales but this seems worth it to avoid having to pay any more money in the future if you are unemployed for the year from start to finish.
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