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Found 1 result

  1. A couple of months back, mother slipped on fluid in an Asda's store at the tills. She didn't get contact details of any witnesses but the one's who did see it were shouting at staff to do something as they all seemed a bit gormless, so it wasn't exactly something that went on unnoticed. She filled an accident form out and has been receiving physio since, she's also been in contact with solicitors. Received letters from Asda's but only confirming my mums complaint. She's documented in a time-line the steps she took after that which included talking on the phone (she didn't record) and Asda's saying everything was being documented and sent to the complaints department. They also took photos of my mother and the floor. They said she'll receive a letter within 28 days which she never received. She has time/dates of letter sent and phone calls made. Now here's the reason for the thread. There's now no recollection of any slip recorded by Asdas. It will be on CCTV if they haven't destroyed the footage but other than that, mother has doctors notes and times/dates of the slip. They have no recollection of accident forms either. So all she has to go on is the injury she's dealing with and the hope of CCTV I guess. Any advice please? Chris.
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