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  1. Hi can anyone help as to where I stand here please? I had a letter asking me to name the driver of my car. It was addressed to the company secretary as the the car is in my company name. My wife had opened the letter as she deals with most work post (im secretery tho). The offence was doing 40 in a 30 (dual carriage way). I keep a log of when i am in the car but generally its my wife. unfortunately I couldn't find my diary. My wife rang the police and asked for a copy of the camera photo which they sent out. The photo was very blurred and you couldn't see who was driving the vehicle. She rang the police and informed them we was unsure and that I would have to find the diary. My wife found my daughters dance dates which confirmed that she was driving. She filled out the NIP form with her details and sent them off. Unfortunately this was filled out incorrectly as it should have been me who filled out the form, but also she had put Yes to Q1 but then also filled out section B with her details. A letter was sent out to say that the form was wrong and that we would have to fill the form back out and send it off. My wife rang the police and spoke to a lady to ask why it was wrong eg, she was told that we would have have 7 days to fill the form and get it back to them, this was on Monday 15th feb. The form was filled out and emailed back the them the following Monday 22nd at midday. Around the 26th (cant remember exact date) we received another letter saying that I (well the company secretary) would be prosecuted under section 172 failing to supply information in time? My wife rang the police back and spoke to the clerk who said that we had filled late and that they had said they would only give a couple of days to get the form over, not 7 days. Can anyone shed some light as to where I stand please? Court date is next month. Kind Regards
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