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  1. Posting on behalf of my parents. Have used these forums before, very useful they are too This may be in the wrong forum. Basically to cut a long story short, a council owned vehicle was turning round in the cul-de-sac they live when it struck the bottom of the drive and left some damage to some paving slabs. The driver was going to drive off if my father hadn't had seen him do it. Having contacted the council they sent us a Compensation Form, and now have sent a letter that makes reference to the Road Traffic Act 1988 Section 154 ("Duty to give information as to insurance or security where claim made"), which, in the grand scale of things and from other research, appears to apply mostly to accidents with another car. The letter is giving insurance details and excess amounts and asking for my parents details. The problem is, the accident was caused by their vehicle on my parents drive. It is not in my mind related to car insurance as the car would have been either in the garage or up the drive at the time well away from the public road. Could the insurance possibly be related to house or buildings insurance? Any advise would be much appreciated.
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