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  1. Hiya!! Just letting you know I recieved a full offer this morning! £4200!! Although I only added the basic 8% interest and not the overdraft interest. I'm sure they're bound to cough up soon!
  2. Ello ) Just thought I'd let you know I got a full offer this morning ) HURRAY!!!! Still can't believe it!!
  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Hopefully not too long for me now!! Let us know how long it actually takes to get the money in your hand!!
  4. Hi again, just letting you know I haven't heard anything more, take it the same for you. Beginning to think I might have this baby before I get any money!!
  5. TRied phoning loads but no answer and no reply's to messages on left on voicemail.
  6. Hiya, firstly to Lateralus - yes I sent a copy of my charges etc straight away, then another after a week. So yesterday I swallowed my nerves and sent a letter back to colin refusing his offer and also sent a copy of it to DG, just for something else to send them really - figured the more bits of paper with my name on that they recieve - the better!! Thanks for the advise guys, just wait and see now.
  7. As far as I can gather, I think that's exactly what it is - I think these letters are replying to our LBA's. I'm gonna go for the lot - just scared.
  8. I think that is what I'm gonna do, although I haven't got to aq stage yet, mcol was acknowledged on 24th January. But I'll send dear old Colin a letter saying too little too late. Sooooo scared now!!! About AQ , courts etc
  9. Hiya I'm in exactlt the same position as you and "Hairymary" has recieved a partial offer from HSBC this morning too, I claimed for £3480 originally but is £4124 with mcol fee and interest. Not sure what to do, always said I'd go for the whole lot but they've offered £2967 and my baby's due in a few weeks.
  10. Hiya I'm in exactly the same position as you, and I think someone else recieved one of these HSBC offers today too. I claimed for £3480 originally but is £4124 with mcol fee and interest. I'm not sure what to do either - always said I'd go for the whole lot but now the letters here - I'm not so sure, lol. Baby due in a few weeks so could really do with the money soon.
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