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Everything posted by blawrie

  1. I know C&G don't (none of the Lloyds group do) and would guess it would be the same with HBOS. Couldn't say for sure though.
  2. Hi all, I am having some problems with mymoviestream. I signed up to the trial with them quite some time ago and nothing happened, no registration details turned up, and of course no DVDs as I hadn't selected anything, as of course no registration details turned up. Moving forward I received a text from them asking to ring them. Odd i thought, maybe they will try and sell me a new trial or something. Rather surprisingly though, they informed me i was in their debt and owed them quite a lot of money. I explained what had happened, and that i was surprised. It turns out they had been debiting my credit card off and on, and i hadn't noticed. When my card expired it started failing. I said to them at the time that i was happy just to call it quits, they can retain the money they have taken from me and stop the rebills. They said that wasn't acceptable, and i asked them to put their position in writing. I heard nothing again for several months. Today i get a text message asking me to ring this chap. Now it was a really informal text message so i just thought it was a work contact, but no, its a debt collection agency. I am a little shocked at this point, i've not heard anything from mymoviestream, not received anything product or service wise, not had anything in writing from them and so on. But now i have a debt collection agency chasing me for £114! Does anybody know where i stand here? I kind of begrudge paying any money here because it appears if i do pay then i will have essentially paid mymoviestream for damn near a years subscription without receiving any communication, information and so on from them. thanks
  3. Unfortunatly not on there Already had a little look about the site a few days ago. Thanks though.
  4. Well, i have filed legal action, which they have confirmed they will be defending. I have also spoken to the trading standards office who have confirmed that it does breach the sale of goods act as not as described. looks like ai have a fight on my hands!
  5. I fully agree, but their argument is that the item was not misdescribed by them, but samsung, so its not their problem. I get the feeling i'm off to court with this one.
  6. Hi all, i am having all sorts of problems with a company many of you will have heard of called 24/7 electrical. Little story.. I bought a TV (samsung LCD) which arrived stating on a little sticker it was HD ready. I also thought it was HD ready from the 24/7 website. Now, i cannot prove the last bit as (oddly enough) i did not take a screen dump, and low and behold, its changed. Now, i can prove that there is a little sticker, despite the companies prostetations, that the TV states on it that it is HD ready, which it is not. The company are stating that they never said its HD ready therefore its not their problem, and as they are such nice people ( ) they will let me return it for £20. Does anybody know where i stnd here? its not my fault the company describes it as HD Ready, yet it has, and samsung can't take the tv off me as they didn;t sell it to me (TV is also on buy now pay later by the way). Help! I have a TV sat in its box, and nowhere to go here! links: 24/7 the item: 247Electrical.co.uk - Samsung LE19R71BX / 19in LCD TV Samsung website: SAMSUNG's Digital World - Television | R71 Series
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