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Everything posted by Determined

  1. Hello Again Seems as though there are numerous problems in interpreting CCA - I PUT FORWARD MY INTERPRETATION OF CERTAIN ASPECTS IN MY LAST POST (no I am not shouting - cap lock on accidently) however I prbrably did not read all the posts thoroughly enough - so It is moe than likely I too may of misinterpeted the CCA. However, today I recieved at leat 6 telephone calls from CapQuest who have recieved regular payments from me for some time now. 5 of them were silent calls and I rang back on 3 of them only to be confronted with demands for a payment of a £720 debt. I have other debts of £3100 - they are old debts I have been paying for a number of years - without going into too much detail I lost my job,and my marriage broke all during a time when my baby son was terminally ill (he died at 4 years of age) I worked temp for a time then I went deaf and found it difficult to adjust so I have been out of work for eight years now. Which leads me to the main purpose of this Post. In the 1980s Martyn Jones MP for Clwyd South West presented a Private Members Bill to Parliament to reform Consumer Credit legislation. I have emailed him asking him to revisit the issue telling him of my particular problems and how I am concerned that this is the way numerous people are treated. It is obvious from the posts on this thread that really the Consumer Credit needs changing. I have also contacted 4 MEPs and 5 Welsh Assembly members and my local MP. I have thought about this for a couple of years now -I am new to this site and forum so I will start a new thread in a couple of days explaining the ideas I have and see what you all think - I expect I have a lot to learn thanks Sorry if this is too much of a distraction from the thrust of this particular thread.
  2. Debt CollectionAgencies are covered by sections 55,60,61,62,63,65,127,179 and 180 of the CCA 1974 Regulation 3 refers to the form in which the agreemnet was made ie the document you sign and should have a copy of when you first make the agreement - as you may be aware banks, credit card companies etc issue revised terms and conditions on a regular basis - so it is the current terms and conditions (or terms and conditions that applied at time DCA took over account) which may vary from the original agreement. DCAs are covered by CCA and when they take over an account whether as agents for the bank or on a bought debt any court action has to be taken in the name of the bank you had agreement with so CCA still applies. Thats my reading of it - hope it is helpful.
  3. Hello - I have had problems with debt collection companies for a number of years. I am currently in "correspondence" with CapQuest (formerly Financial, Trace and Collection). Won't go into detais here but will post relevant contributions, except to say I did debt counselling at the CAB in the 80's and find that despite being able to deal with other people's problems quite calmly and efficiently, my own often reduce me to an emotional wreck . Happy to have this website. thanks
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