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Everything posted by Myphisto

  1. I have been waiting for the "conditions of acceptance" letter from SC+M but all I have had is a letter saying that full payment will be made within three working days (and it is has (ish)) and that I should write to the court to call of the dogs. They haven't paid me the court costs but I am willing to overlook this as I never stating at any stage that I would be claiming for them. Can someone point me in the right direction for the template for writing to the court and stopping the action? Can some move this thread to the "WON CASES" section please.
  2. OH MY GOD!! They settled... then went and paid £5946.22 on Friday.... They settled! No phonecalls, no letters... just a wedge of MY (Yes MY) cash in the bank... yippee!! Bloody Yippee!! They've paid more than the claim but omitted the costs, or they've paid less and paid the costs... but I'm not quibbling. I do have to start the whole thing again though as they owe me charges from June last year but perhaps I'll file the claim in Lincoln?!! They settled... I can't believe it!! Thank you to this site... I couldn't have done it without you all. Excellent site.
  3. I have just spoken to the County Court, my case has been sent to the District Judge for referral as SC+M defaulted in the courts latest request which was to submit another defence to the amendment I made to my claim. (Embarrassing Claim). I thought a SC+M might be in order to let them know and they didn't seem to give a toss... I suppose it's not their money is it?!! Apparently it will be another two weeks before the judge gives a decision.
  4. Thanks for the offer of help. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/lloyds-bank/45908-hicks-lloyds.html I need to call the call today to see if the clerk has referred this to the district judge as he suggested. I guess it's hurry up and wait after that!
  5. I've probably just screwed this up and added to the timeline of this case (once a dickhead... always a dickhead). I called SC+M to find out what the developments of the case were and whether they have complied with the court order acknowledging the decrease in my claim, lus wanted to increase there ever increaing workload! SC+M claim that the haven't recieved the order from the court and agreed that they were in default. They said that they would contact the court regarding the order with a view to it being resent. I then called Scarborough County Court and spoke to the most helpful guy in the world. He is referring the case to the district judge if he hasn't heard from SC+M by today. It was due to be referred anyway on the 8th Jan and he's still happy to do that considering my case amount was reduced and not increased. In the absence of a fresh defence he's taking the stance that the old defence still stands. I hope and think that this can only strengthen my case?
  6. Has anyone got the number for SC+M please?
  7. Hudu, My sentiments exactly, I had no idea how bad it had got as I was scared to open the bank statements each month and generally didn't. I was pumping money into my account and it was being swallowed up by charges which was putting me overdrawn again, I managed to break that cycle a year ago fortunately. I remember the robbing gits removing my overdraft without notification just after a payday which left me literally no money for a well earned three week break. They must know how much heartbreak and sorrow they have caused us all over the years. Like yourself, my claim is a fraction under £6000 and I'm just waiting for my 15 mins of fame in court. Good luck with your process.
  8. A few things have happened that I would seek guidance on. Due to working abroad I have had to send my court bundle after sending my AQ (this was my choice) so it has already been recieved by all parties. I hope that this hasn't affected things? I also wrote to the court reducing my claim from £9000 to £6000 both figures include the interest. The judge has accepted the reduction and has told Lloyds to respond within 21 days acknowledging this fact. The letter was dated 15th Dec... is that 21 days or 21 working days? I have yet to hear anything from anyone. Can anyone answer the two questions? And also advise me on what to expect next?
  9. I now have Lloyds's response, their AQ. In which they don't ask for a stay but say that they're not available in December which is a shame. The defence that they intend to use is their standard contractual agreement regarding the setting up the account. They do intend to bring an expert witness but I'm hoping that it won't get that far. Lloyds have already received my court bundle so is it just a case of sitting back and waiting now?
  10. Received my AQ today although it cost £53 to DHL it Doha, Qatar! It has to sent back to the court prior to 8th December. Is it now that I send all the defence (court bundle) to Lloyds and the courts? Getting slightly nervous now!
  11. I've just recieved my AQ and in which they describe my claim as baseless and embarrassing. I am so looking forward to winning! Claim no. 6 SZ 01364
  12. I started the process to claim all my bank charges back in August. I have received my statements (mortified!:o ), produced the letter that got the standard "get stuffed" reply.:grin: I have completed the court forms and the cheque has been cashed... From the letter received a couple of days ago from the court Lloyds will be contesting the entire claim. THEN I found this website... I now have a problem (maybe). I totted up all the charges from the last 6 years and asked for all £8250 to be returned. But I have now completed the spreadsheet (thanks Vampiress:p ) and found that my initial calculations were wrong and I shouldn't have included the standard bank charge of £8 plus a couple of other things. The new claim is ONLY £7379.66, but with the interest it's £9152.00. The question is how do I go about amending the original sum? Is it possible? Does this jeopardize my case? One other thing, I work abroad and hear a lot about the AQ having a time limit to be filled in... can this be lengthened due to extenuating circumstances? Thanks in advance.
  13. This is my first post so "hi to all". I have completed the first letter to Lloyds, got the generic response. I have completed the court letters and have just received a response from the court to say that Lloyds are disputing and defending all of this claim for £8200. I wasn't aware of this website sadly and am now trying to play catch up. Can someone point me in the direction of the recommended plan of attack? I don't want to screw this up... robbing gits!
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