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Everything posted by Bramski

  1. Good news is that the Clerk at the Glasgow sheriff court went over my forms and they are fine. The bad news is that I went to the wrong Sherfiff court LOL, I should have gone to Paisley. Ah well, Paisley Tomorrow.
  2. Ok I'm about to file my claim at the local sheriff court. There's a few things im not 100% sure of and would appreciate some advice on dates marked on the image below. http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/2347/8px6.gif Here's what I've put on my particulars of claim, does it look ok?
  3. If you use a Solicitor you can kiss goodbye to about 30% of that 7 grand. If you spend 5 hours digesting all the relevant info available on here then you will have 100% of your money to look forward to.
  4. Their days are numbered so I'll give them the 14 days thanks Michael.
  5. If a bank responds to your Preliminary request with a fob off letter well before the 14 days is up, should you just go ahead with the letter before action asap or should you just stick to the dates you have stated in your letters and give them their 14 days.
  6. The vast majority of people who would use a service like that though are the ones who not bother otherwise. A lot of people just can't or won't act for themselves even when they have all the resources available. They're either too lazy or too scared or just too conditioned into thinking that you can't beat the system no matter how crooked it is. There's not much anyone can do apart from inform as many people as you can about this place. Some people will gladly spend an hour to save a pound, others will gladly spend a pound to save an hour if you know what I mean.
  7. I recently opened a parachute account with Halifax. My old Bank of Scotland account is overdrawn and in a negative balance and I'll need this Halifax account to pay Direct Debits if Nationwide close my account (upon reclaiming unlawful fees). Seeing as Halifax and Bank of Scotland are basically one organisation, Can Bank of Scotland take money from my Halifax account if I'm in debt with Bank of Scotland? The only reason I ask is because I registered with Halifax online banking service and it told me I could access my BOS account from the Halifax online service.
  8. I sent off my Preliminary letter yesterday. This morning I received a letter from Nationwide in the mail. It was in response to a phone call I made last week requesting a refund of my unpaid DD charges, it's basically a fob off letter. Should I just wait until the 14 days for my prelim letter to go through the system or should I send off my Letter Before Action now seeing as they've basically told me in writing to get lost?
  9. Hi, After reading through the FAQs, tutorials and threads, I'm almost good to go. I downloaded my statements for the last 3 years from the Nationwide website and they owe me a total of £520.50 not including the 60 quid they'll be whipping off at the end of this month which by the time this approaches the final stages I should be able to amend my claim to include. They also took £42 (£12, £15, £15) in unauthorised overdraft fees but I never even had an overdraft facility on the account and the only reason I was overdrawn was because their unpaid direct debit fees pushed me into a negative balance, can I claim these back too? I've got all my Prelim sorted and my spreadsheets ready to go out on Monday once I clarify a few things, and my LBA is waiting to be printed out when they inevitably blank my Prelim. Im unsure of what dates to put on my spreadsheets though and could use a little help. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Hi, After reading through the FAQs, tutorials and threads, I'm almost good to go. I downloaded my statements for the last 3 years from the Nationwide website and they owe me a total of £520.50 not including the 60 quid they'll be whipping off at the end of this month which by the time this approaches the final stages I should be able to amend my claim to include. They also took £42 (£12, £15, £15) in unauthorised overdraft fees but I never even had an overdraft facility on the account and the only reason I was overdrawn was because their unpaid direct debit fees pushed me into a negative balance, can I claim these back too? I've got all my Prelim sorted and my spreadsheets ready to go out on Monday once I clarify a few things, and my LBA is waiting to be printed out when they inevitably blank my Prelim. Im unsure of what dates to put on my spreadsheets though and could use a little help. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  11. If you hand it into your local branch in person is it wise to ask for some sort of reciept?
  12. I've just began learning the process myself but after reading this step by step guide it all seems pretty clear to me now. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faqs-please-read-these/31460-step-step-instructions.html
  13. Hi, I am currently preparing to claim my money back from Nationwide. I was able to get all of my bank statements for the last 3 years from their online banking website in PDF format and I was able to work out the total cost of all charges from that. Does this mean that I can now just go ahead with the Preliminary approach for repayment letter? or is sending in the Subject Access Request to the bank a required process? Bram
  14. *sorted* re-read step by step guide
  15. Hi, I'm currently preparing to get my money back from Nationwide using the resources available on this site. I will spend the next few days absorbing all the necessary information and make sure everything is clear in my mind before I proceed. Just one question regarding my current situation with Nationwide. I looked at my account online I have £60 of unpaid direct debit fees to be paid at the end of this month. Should I claim these in my total even though I have not actually paid them yet? Or am I only able to claim what I have actually paid up to the date of posting the preliminary approach off to them? Bram
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