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Everything posted by Pornsalad

  1. What I said is no less relevant than when it happened as others will still read this thread, customer service should be a two way experience and people need to be told when their actions are pointless and foolish not to mention offensive. I'm sorry if my post did not fit into the 'trend' on here as my understanding was that this site is about results, not a competition focused on what you say and how often you say it and how it gets you a gold/platinum status etc. (Presumably gold status means it’s more fun to lord yourself over basic posters?)
  2. Spikeachu is absolutely correct; this is a pathetic attempt to gain attention on this forum. The only wrong doing in this story is by the poster, there was a mistake or theft...get over it! Why are you entitled to compensation? If you are entitled to it then you owe it to me because A)I may have missed out on an item/staff assistance due to your childish actions and B)you have wasted my time reading your big headed boast which has caused me stress/used my electricity and caused wear and tear on my equipment etc. Let’s say a million pounds should cover it, ridiculous? Of course it is like you and you six quid. I would love to see you open your mouth to some independent retailers who aren’t in fear of their jobs from management like PCW staff are, as they don’t have to nod and smile regardless of how they feel (which people like you take huge advantage of RE: Chocolate fireguard comment,) because most of them would just humiliate you (easily) then ban you from their shop. But of course you will as always go back to PCW next time because the truth is that you enjoy complaining don't you.
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