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Posts posted by Pen

  1. Hi Sue thanks for your kind words I will think of this site a lot, keep writing in your thread so I can follow all your progress when I get home.


    Just a quick update, I received a call this morning from the Halifax apparently TSB called them late last night and agreed to pay for the funds to be deposited in to my Halifax account which they have now done, weeeeeeeee I am not generally cynically by nature but I wonder what happen for that turn around. Any way I now have the funding for my second claim which I will do on line before I go on Friday. I have also decide to take the bull by the horns and claim for it all lock stock and barrel, the chargers loan and SAR. As long as all I have to lose is £750 in costs (not sure why MO5 was charge £7,500) how dreadful) I am prepared to take that chance.


  2. :rolleyes: Hi Sue, ha ha no!! it's the same one, would you believe instead of issuing another cheque they said it would be quicker to just deposit our joint account with the funds because the cheque had got lost within the system somehow, how someone could have cashed it amazers me, I could write a script for a soap opera but it would be a bit far fetch don't you think, is this sort of think happening to everyone or just me, just think if i tried to add all this up in to a damage claim for distress and illness who would believe surly not the courts since a professional multi million pound organisation could not get it wrong time after time after time, could they? even I'm starting to see the funny side but thats probably due to the amount of morphine I'm pumping into me each day due to the pain caused by laughing so much. They do know I'm on borrowed time, maybe they are just stretching it so that it will run out, my energy levels are, with dealing with them. Just think for all they have put me through and still putting me through it My claim for damagers should run into hundreds of thousands not a few quid (again a attempt at hummer) We Should all try to write a POC can you imagine a court with a straight face after reading it


    Sue and Gary, thanks for all you support, I will enlighten you all on any new developments in a bout 2 weeks., Love you both for all your support and encouragement



    like you Sue It looks like i will have to give my Hubby a crash course on how to claim back chargers which has took me months of reading the tutorials posts threads etc to enable him to finish what I have started when Why do our hubbies get the easy parts all the time:p I'm sorry to say i will be away in hospital all next week so I am going to miss even more fun especially if the police investigate the stolen cheque which they will have to do, how long will it take them to find it I wonder@ Oh I will not now be able to submit my N1 as planned due to the "case of the missing funding"I shall miss you lot but I will want to catch up on all the gossip when I get back

  3. Progentic, don't do that, honestly I am as thick as 2 shorts planks with a comoputer and maths but if you just add the details in vamps basic contractual spreedsheet then thats it bobs your uncle so to say. I have seen quite a few and your right I would'nt know where to start but vamps is great.


    One thing I do have to say is when I looked in the spreedsheet templates I could not find vamps only the imported one for the 8%, so you will need to find it. it's the one that you have to sign up to google, best thing would be to PM vamps may be she will let you have a copy, if i knew how to send it by attachment i would send you mine, but thats how bad i am so if i can work it out so can you.

    good luck


  4. OK I'm extremely unhappy, please try to keep a straight face when reading this.;)


    Called into my local branch this afternoon to find out why the funds(£750) has still not been credited to my account,


    Spoke with a nice assistant at the counter who offered to phone Andover for me to see what is happening, the reply I received was that the money has not gone into my account because the cheque has been cashed!!!. This I could not believe. Went next door to my Halifax bank to see if they had cashed the cheque they informed me that when they spoke to the TSB last Thursday about it they where informed that the cheque had been lost by (TSB) Brighton branch but TSB where going to deposited the amount into my account. Halifax called Andover there and then and spoke to a Paul Goddard (manager) he informed the Halifax that the cheque has been cashed and they don't know who by therefor cannot credit my account.


    So, TSB are now saying the cheque has been cashed but don't know where the money has gone, Halifax are saying TSB have received it and lost it so no longer anything to do with them.


    What do I now, I suppose I will have to call the police and report the cash /cheque stolen by someone from the TSB how stupid is that. I will also have to write to the court stating I never received the £750 in part payment after all or I did but someone in the TSB have stolen it. it is just so unbelievable!!@@ it's no wonder it's all so confusing how is it I am having all this trouble with the TSB

  5. Hi Phatbank, I and quite a few others on here are having the same problems, I have written 4 times, they have cashed my cheque, sent me parts of the info and the last letter I received stated they had no knowledge of my request, how's that for the run around!!! so I am know at the stage of issuing court proceedings, maybe if a person could not get their statements could they claim an estimated amount of chargers and how would you estimate your chargers for the last 6 years.


  6. Hi MF5. Glad you have posted your Pay pal address, as I said I am sure you will get the full support of site members , most of us could end up in your shoes. I have a claim going on in the fast track but somehow I thought there was a ceiling on the costs of £750 which the other party could claim if I lost hence I took the gamble. not to sure now though. Chin up, you will find a way to get through it, you have to,!! would you mind if I suggested you start another post as well as this only due to the fact that I read yours the other day by off chance otherwise I would know nothing about it and I sure there will be hundreds of members who are not searching for Mortgage redemption penalties who may miss it but would also help you if they knew. Just a thought


  7. Hi, there is quite a large thread on here already about contractual interest and although it explains how it works in detail over and over again. I was still no clearer in understanding it. I do know you have to claim it from your Pre-lim letter. I did fill in vamps spreadsheet on basic contractual interest which I'm sure includes everything and which works fine as all I had to do was fill in the boxes and add the interest rate of 29.9% great, printed it of and that is what I am using for court. (thanks Vamps) I just hope the figures are right. But!!! having just read the main thread I am once again confused since some posts talk about claiming the interest twice ie contractual then compounded which just did not make sence to me, so I am now not so sure at all . all I know is that according to the spreadsheet I have filled in a charged for a O/D usage Fee of £70, on the 3rd Jan 01, the interest to present day @29.9% worked out at £161.56 so the total charge plus interest worked out at £231.56 does this seem right? I think the more you try to understand something the harder it gets, well it does for me so I have just done as advised and not tried to think to much. please tell me if I have it all wrong


  8. Hi, just read your posts today, how devastated you and your family must be,I don't have a great deal but I would be only to happy to add to a pay pal account, we are all on here for help and advice and what has happened to you could happen to any of us who are going down the fast tract route I'm sure it has knocked the confidence right out of you, it has me.


  9. Hi Nevos, It is worth considering I must admit. I don't know if it's a case of who takes controll them or me. My thoughts are if I file a claim would it be the first one they defend with my luck they would.


    Sue, Gary is a star. It;s what I needed, bracking it all down into small chunks instead of it all being mixed up in one big mess.


    still the question is what do I do? anyone else with advice for us to think off.


    Also in relation to the s10 I sent the bank, are the bank correct in stating that a s10 is irrelevant with regards my accounts and can they continue to share info about me to a third party namly GPB


  10. Gary, Fantastic!!! you have it all in a nutshell, well done, I know I don't help as I do have a tendency to confuse matters. but you are spot on.


    1) £750 still not deposited to our joint account, spoke with a John Greenstreet from TSB Andover last Wednesday who stated the funds will be deposited to our account by Thursday evening but no sign of them. so I won't be able to lodge 2nd claim on Monday as planed.


    2) Claim for our joint acc was issued on the 17th January court sent it to the defendant on the 25th January it will be deemed served on the 27th TSB have until the 12th Feb to reply. The excact amount of this claim is £6426,00 The chargers relate from 2001 to 2006. But!!! I did have another spreadsheet which I forgot to add to the calculations amounting to £550 for chargers from June 2000 to Nov 2000. These chargers have not been included in the claim is it to late to add them or have I missed out, I'm referring to your advice that I cannot issue separate claims for the same account.?!!! I have started to prepair the court bungle in readiness, but I know I will probably be sent I AQ to fill in. I have been following all your advice on Darling!s thread in relation to this.


    3) The second claim I am waiting to lodge is for 3 of my single accounts excact claim amount is £5,635 I have bungled all these on the one claim as you advised. When the £750 is cleared in our account I can lodge this claim.


    4) Yes used Vamps guild and spreadsheet for contractual interest.


    5) Now the loan, which I am most concerned about. I received a letter last Wednesday from GPB solicitors giving me 72 hours to call them with a proposed repayment plan or they will file court proceedings so don't know what to do. Do I let them go ahead and make a counterclaim? or do I make a claim myself.

    One of the reasons other then the chargers, I requested the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) in relation to the loan was due to them refinancing both my hubbies and my loan But!! apart from my loan payments being used solely to pay chargers hence the refinancing, My husband would not agree to having his loan refinanced we still have the bank and customers copy of the new Loan agreement dated 2004 which my husband had to sign and return but he would not do it. It seems that they refinanced him anyway without his permission we just don't know we needed a copy of the loan agreement to check thats why it was important to get the data protection Info.


    6) CAB where not very surprised about the banks refusal to reduce the payments stating Banks have refused many customers. But I am glad I have the letter from the TSB to the CAB refusing their requested I may need to relie on it at some point.


    7) My plan if I could do it was to make a claim for the loan and SAR at the same time or bunch them all together on to my for my single account I just did not know what to write in the POC to enable me to do this. I will now send them your letters given them another chance to supply this information. my only concern is the timescales on who makes a claim first TSB or me.


    Hmmmm It's very difficult knowing what to do for the best, I will wait to see what else you can find out if thats OK Gary, good luck as I need it


  11. Thanks Gary, thats great, when you write something you don't get the same meaning somehow as when you talk to someone, words can be interpreted wrongly so I am glad I have not offended you, I would not like to do that to anyone especially people who are trying to help.


    I am on benefits since I am no longer able to work but not qualifying ones so i do have to pay for ever thing, It is worth while asking the court I suppose but will this delay the process. not that it really matters I am having to delay just to save for the costs. I just thought If I have a good chance of wining then the cost will be re payed.


    thanks for clarifying the muti claims. I have wrote them all on the one claim now


  12. Hi Sue, good on you, well done, I'm still waiting to see if they are going to put in a defense, not long now, then I will be copying the AQ and going over all your posts. I have started the court bungle in readiness wow!!! how big is that. I down loaded all the court bungle info in the template section with all the case law etc 40 pagers in total I think, plus I have had to add all the statements, letters sent and received it really is as they say a bungle then I think we need to photo copy it all 3 copies not sure though whether I just need the statements which show chargers being deducted any idea. a bit ahead of myself ain't when I haven't even filled in AQs yet, but just worried in case my printer or computer packs in. Don't know about you but I have checked the court documents 3 times and all my spreadsheets making sure all the fugues match up, scared of checking it in case there was an error so far thank goodness all OK

    Great Job Sue


  13. Hi again, sorry to ask but I have another question.


    "If its 3 different accounts, you'd be advised to file a claim for each to stay in the small claims track." GaryH, (Sorry Gary don't know how else to quote)

    When I file the N1 on Monday for the £5,500 chargers, the chargers are made up of 3 separate accounts, I have just read your comments from Darling1's post,above, could I not club all 3 accounts together to save on costs or should I file them all seperatly.

    Also Gary you have been extremly kind and helpful to myself and others, I valuve your help and advice dearly, I hope I have not offended you in anyway and would hate to think I had because I really am gratefull to you and many others who like yourself have given up your valuble time selflessly (hope thats the right word) to help us all get our money back from the banks


  14. Hi gary, if this helps for you info....I had a long chat with Bankfodder he called me from paris just before Xmas, (no we are not besy mates, he had just been directed to my posts from some kind helpful sole) Bankfodder was excellent and gave me all the advice I needed especialy one relating to my past employer and how to deal with them. He adviced that I claim all my chargers back from the banks but! he also adviced that I claim the loan back as I can show that it was given solely because of the build up of arrears due to bankchargers.


    I have followed all instructions and advice to claim back the chargers, one is filed into the court I now have the funds to file the other one.


    My sticking point is the loan and the SAR info. I paid the £10 early DEC sent numourous reminder letters all of which they ignored.

    I also in Dec sent the bank a S10 in relation to the loan, the bank reply was basicaly sod of, I sent them another letter reminding them of their legal obligation and last week recieved another sod off letter but the last paragraph mentions my request in relation to SAR it states they have no knowlege of my request yet they have cashed my cheques.


    So with Bankfodders advice I have gotten as far as I can go. My claims for the chargers are ok so far. But Bankfodder advices I should claim the loan somehow since no of it went into my account it was all used as refinance. I just don't know how to do it.

    I hope this helps Gary and not made it more confusing for you

    I would really appriciate all your help and that of anyone else



  15. OK I am going to start a new thread because the last one became to big and complected.


    Heres where I am up to. Filed a claim with the courts for £6,500, Called to courts to see where it is up to informed it has been sent to the bank and they have 14 days to state whether they are going to defend it.


    Monday I will be filing another claim for £5,500 N1 all done and spreed sheet, will lodge it with the court on Monday



    PS my other issue with then bank I have placed on a new thread Pen V TSB bank loan


    I hope people will continue to help and advice as I need it. sorry I was getting every one confused before so I am trying again to make my life easier

    Thanks guys

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