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  1. I must admit Pete, it will be a hefty price they have to pay to stop me gloating on here about how I took them on and won
  2. Hmmmm, I don't think I have much chance of winning the lottery so i might go for the £1,000,000 figure. Always fancied myself as millionaire
  3. Do I enter any amount I see fit to charge them for the privilege of confidentiality? If so, does anybody have any idea what the going rate is?
  4. The offer is for the full amount including interest at 8% plus court costs. I will use the letter that lateralus has set up. Hopefully, this will spur DG into getting this sorted asap and not keep me hanging on
  5. Hi, I received an out of court offer from DG yesterday. I am happy to accept the offer and inform the court that the case is settled, but I have heard some stories that it has taken the bank up to 3 months to pay the charges back. Can I send my acceptance letter back to DG stipulating that unless the money owed is paid to me before the set court date, I will continue to follow the process through the legal channels, or am I legally obliged to accept their offer and just wait for the money to come rolling in??
  6. The AQ is due on 13th of this month, the court hearing has been set for the 26th
  7. Hi, HSBC defended their claim against me. I haven't yet submitted my AQ and today I received a letter for the court giving me a date and time for the hearing. Q1 - Has anybody else received a court date? Q2 - What steps do I need to take now. Where can I find information on how to prepare and present my case should it get that far? I hope this ain't a change in tactics by the banks and they are going to use me as a guinea pig. Please help!!!
  8. Hi guys, I am claiming back over £670 in charges. HSBC have until next Friday to enter a defence with MCOL. Yesterday I received an offer of £418 with the usual spiel from them saying that this offer in no way reflects that the are excepting responsibility or liability. There is also a form in there which they have asked me to sign to say that I accept there offer as full and final settlement. Now, I remember reading somewhere that there is a letter that I can send back saying that I accept this offer as a partial refund only but will be pressing ahead for the remainder, but I can't find this thread explaining how to proceed. Can anybody point me in the right direction or give me some advice? Cheers
  9. Ignore guys, I have found the address in another thread. Damn that pesky kitchen drawer though!!!
  10. Hi guys, Can somebody please supply me with DG's address please. I have had my 'acknowledged' letter back from MCOL with DG's contact details on and I was about to send them my charges breakdown, but somehow, that magic kitchen drawer (which I am sure we all have) appears to have mystery swallowed my letter.
  11. Hi, Sending them to your own branch is fine, they will find their way to the correct department. I also sent my LBA to my branch and heard nothing back so I continued with my claim to the timescale that I set:)
  12. Cool, i'm not at claim #2 yet but give me time. I am going to see how this claim goes and then look at claiming charges on my credit card. Cheers
  13. Hi guys, Following on from this, is it common place for HSBC to close down an account after you have made a claim? Only reason I ask is I am going through MCOL at the moment and I haven't set up another account anywhere else. I also have my mortgage through HSBC, and I haven't read any other threads about HSBC closing accounts so I didn't bother. Anybody else have their accounts closed??
  14. Hi JJ, I have posted a similar thread this evening and got a reply. I am starting my court claim against HSBC through MCOL, however since sending HSBC my summary of charges, I have incurred another £50 in charges. You can reclaim these as well, but they must be added to your summary. If you are due to send your 3rd and final letter to the bank before taking legal action, then send them a new summary including the extra charges. If you are about to start legal action, then put a claim in for the full amount you want back and make sure your summary is up to date just in case HSBC's solicitor wants to see your summary. Hope this helps
  15. Hi guys, I am about to process my claim through MCOL tonight after sending the prelim and LBA letters. Since sending my LBA letters to HSBC, I have incurred further charges. Question is, can I add these to my claim, or do I have to exclude these for the time being as I have already sent HSBC 2 letters detailing my claim? Any advice would be appreciated as I am sat here now with the MCOL website open, ready to process the details.
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