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  1. Ok, I've decided to settle with the amount they offered me. I feel like a bit of a sell out but over the past week I've been hit with an unexpected bill (boiler busted!!!) and a couple of personal circumstances have changed. I'll send them the letter back tomorrow accepting the full amount. I was looking forward to taking these bar-stewards to court too! Good luck to everyone else. Keep up the good work! Donation will be along soon.
  2. I've completed my rejection letter. Shall I be cheeky and send it back in their pre-paid envelope! Also... Anyone else dealt with Genette Evans yet?
  3. Got another 'standard' response from Barclays today. They offered me £495.00 when I am seeking £1,020. I am not going to accept it. So what's the next step here? Wait out the 14 days and then start an MCOL? Do I need to contact them again telling them I don't accept, or not bother?
  4. Heard nothing back from Barclays, so sent my LBA today with an updated schedule of charges! Their 14 days begins, n..n..n..n..NOW!
  5. Ah ok, will do. Thanks for the reply.
  6. One more question... Since I sent the last letter they have charged me again. Can I update the schedule of charges when I send my LBA, or shall I continue for the original amount, and then send a seperate letter for the new charges?
  7. Received the following letter yesterday (11/11/06); "Thank you for your letter received at this office on 9 November. I am sorry that you are unhappy with the charges you have incurred. Your comments are receiving attention and one of my team will contact you as soon as possible. May I take this opportunity to explain that whilst we will endeavour to respond to you within the timescale outlined in your letter, we cannot guarantee that we will do so. Sometimes it takes longer to fully investigate a complaint. However we do aim to find a solution within four weeks. If we are not able to do so, we will always write to you explaining what is happening. A full report or an update on our progress will be sent to you in eight weeks. Please refer to the enclosed leaflet which provides you with a more detailed explanation on how we will deal with this matter. Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0207 116 4561. Yours sincerely, Mike Brophy" Looks like they want more time. Unlucky for them as they're not getting any! I will wait for the 14 days to expire, and then send the LBA. I guess that this is another standard response letter that they have. Anyone else received one of these?
  8. I received a copy of my statements yesterday morning. I've worked out that they've charged me £990 over the past 5 years. So, I've drafted a letter with a full schedule of charges and I'll send it tomorrow morning (without the 8% interest). Then they have the standard 14 days before I send the LBA. Everyone who I have spoken to about this is waiting to see the outcome of my claim against Barclays! So I have about 7 people who will start a claim if (when?) I win. Should be interesting. I'm letting everyone I know about the site.
  9. I have read in a couple of other posts that they respond right at the last minute. Have a read through the cases that have won so far and they will show you what Barclays tactics usually are!
  10. Ok they responded to my Data Protection Act request today; "Data Protection Act We refer to your letter of 23 October, which was passed to this department for comment due to your request for certain information, relating to bank charges, under the terms of the Data Protection Act. Please be aware that the Bank is not under any obligation to present information according to any particular format. Therefore, your request to assemble a schedule of charges is turned aside. You may of course obtain this data from copy statements and these will be supplied without charge on this occasion. As the Bank is providing the copy statements on a complimentary basis your payment is returned herewith. We would advise however, that some statement information arising from the period prior to and possibly during 1999 to 2000 is manually stored in the form of microfiche and does not fall within the data subject access provisions of the DPA. As regards to your mention of "manual intervention", the DPA does not oblige the Bank to comment about internal policies and procedures. Futhermore, in the context of managing day to day transactions arising from out of order accounts, the Bank does not hold the information you have requested in a form that would be covered by the DPA. Whilst aggregated information is retained for statistical purposes, this would not constitute "personal data" under the DPA and therefore would not be covered by a s.7 DPA subject access request. For the avoidance of doubt, the fact we do not generally record information in a way that is caught by the provisions of the DPA, is in no way an admission that there was no such manual intervention. Your sincerely Peter Townsend" So my interpretation of this is that they will provide a full copy of statements (still within the 40 days??), and they are saying that just because they don't have a record of manual intervention, it doesn't mean there wasn't any! I expected this really (I did search the site for the letter from other users but couldn't find it), they will provide my statements and expect me to work out the charges. Hey! I'm happy with doing that! What about the microfiche element? Didn't I read that these records are relevant?
  11. I sent my first letter today! I sent my DPA request to the customer relations dept in London. They have until the 2nd December to respond.
  12. I think that you can only claim back 6 years.
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