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Alan R

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  1. WOW - What a tale. I have just finished reading this 'cover-to-cover' and i really am gobsmacked at some of the claims and revelations through out the whole story. I am hoping that Fred and Patma get the justice they so obviously deserve. I doubt i could have gone through all of this. I also hope that the likes of LD and PCAD - or at least the individuals responsible - get everything they deserve. I would also like to pass on my compliments and best wishes to everyone who has helped Fred and Patma with advice and assistance, it gives you a good feeling to know that there are total strangers who are prepared to put themselves out to help somebody they dont know let alone have never met. I feel that special mention should go to TLD - fantastic support. I notice that he / she has been very quiet recently, has anybody heard from him / her? When i read the 'secret' of there being no caution, i actually punched the air and muttered 'Yes!' I do hope that Fred and Patma and their families can now put this out of their minds for now and have a good Christmas and i truly hope a successful New Year. Alan
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