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Everything posted by pablo5150

  1. I'VE WON !!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your reply m8:)
  2. Hello just when i was starting to get a bit worried Cobbett's sent me a cheque for the full amount £2591!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Thanks to everyone who offered advice and i shall be making a donation to the website. Does anyone know how i move my thread to the Natwest success thread? Paul
  3. Hi all Sent my letter refusing cobbetts offer of £1200 on the 11th January and still not heard anything from them or the court should i be worried ??
  4. Hi i sent off my AQ to my local court last week and a couple of days ago recaived a copy of the AQ from Cobbett saying : "Case management directions cannot be proposed until the claimant serves a reply to the request for further information which was due on the 28th December 2006. In the light of this, the defendant may ammend its defence or apply to strike out" (i sent a letter to them saying i would not send them any more info as noted above) This morning i received an offer for half the amount i'm claiming. i take it from reading other threads that i should refuse this . do i need to send them a letter to tell them this? Thanks Paul
  5. thanks guys so its ok to send my original AQ
  6. sorry the above web address is wrong , this is the correct link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/11644-allocation-questionnaires-guide-completion.html
  7. hi all i too am thick!! i have received an AQ from court (N149) and in section G (other info) i was advised to fill in using this template http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-our-forum/53241-cant-find-what-youre.html i have done this but not sent it back yet. which template should i use? thanks paul
  8. thanks michael just filled in my AQ
  9. Hi all I sent off my 'bog off its none of your business' letter to cobbetts yesterday. this morning i received my AQ from court is there a template somewhere for me to follow?
  10. Hi i've received a defence and request for further info regarding CPR18 from cobbetts this morning. i have read through your thread and have noticed some people have received an AQ as well. should i send your standard letter .. "I Acknowledge the receipt of the defence posted on behalf of National Westminster Bank plc. I am not prepared at this stage to answer the CPR Part 18 Request...." etc. or should i wait for the AQ? also... should i send a copy of this letter and a list of charges to the court as well? Many thanks Paul
  11. Hi all just received the defence from cobbetts and a request for further info. in accordance with CPR 18. i have read a few threads and they seem to give a few options any suggestions on what to do ?? thanks paul
  12. I hope it doesn't take that long lol:)
  13. Cheers Westy I'll post any new developments
  14. Thanks M8 i'm sitting here now reading through other threads sounds like a long ride!!!
  15. Hi I sent my refund request letter to Natwest Bank 1st October and received a reply from Mr Higley in customer relations on the 11th Oct offering nothing ..."I apologise for any dissatisfaction caused.....We believe our charges are fair....etc. After pondering on court action, i finally sent an online claim through Moneyclaim.gov.uk on the 14th November for £2365 (which, by the way, was issued by Northampton County Court. I live in Wigan....????) . Anyway i have today (1st December) received an "Acknowledgement of Service" letter from the court. It states that Natwest intend to 'defend all of the claim' and have 28 days to submit this. Has anyone any advice as to what happens next, will i have to go to court? etc. ...HELP!!! Paul
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