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Everything posted by amteegee

  1. Marmite Girl - haven't Abbey offered to settle yet? Email Clare Fletcher and Inga Kirkham at Ashursts cos I think Ronan the Barbarian is on holiday for a couple of weeks.
  2. Hi guys. On Friday, the wee Irishman aka Ronan Coyle asked me to call him regarding my claim. I did call, but it went straight to voicemail every time I called so eventually sent him an email telling him this. He emailed me saying he'd call me back - and he did within 5 minutes. Basically, he wanted to know if I was going to settle (almost 100% of my claim, but only 50% of my wastage costs claim). He said that Abbey were applying for a stay on all current claims, so if I want to settle - I should do it now. I have to admit, I would rather the dosh now to pay off my credit card, than wait 6-12 months. I took the money and ran. The first part of the claim has already been paid into my account and the wastage costs should be in my account by this Friday. Not sure what the rationale was for phoning to see if I want to settle, rather than drag it out. Clearing the backlog? Pang of guilt?? Pity?? Anyway, I rang the court who said I could ask to have the claim vacated from court on the basis that Abbey had settled, so if they failed to pay up, I could take them to court again. I was going to start up a claim for my joint account, but I think I will have to wait until the OFT thing has gone through. Has anyone else been approached for a speedy resolution?
  3. B*gger. Should I have accepted their offer? Their website says that they will stand by offers made (that's how I interpreted it anyway). Anyone else have any ideas??
  4. Hi all. Does anyone know the implications of today's test case? Surely the fact that banks have settled prior to court means that they are in the wrong? Ronan at Ashursts asked me to call today but I'm not sure why... Can't get hold of him. Wish I had settled for what they offered now. B*gger b*gger b*gger.
  5. Grey hair? I prefer to say natural highlights. I have lots of those and in places I didn't expect to see them. How about CAG-HAGs for us girls? CAG-STAGs for the boys???
  6. Yes it does seem that way. I did definately say it was partial settlement. And now they're trying to limit their costs by offering half of what I was claiming. I will seek additional advice, but will call the court tomorrow to tell them that Abbey have offered a partial settlement which has not been accepted. If necessary, I will start the whole process again for the additional charges I added onto the allocation questionnaire. And just because they're being such gits, I will also start a claim on my old joint account. I think throwing in the Medway case is just them flexing their muscles a bit. I'm sure at the very least I could claim for toner cartridges, postage etc. I think if I back down now, they will have won. Not so.
  7. Don't know if this has been covered in a previous post, but how will we recognise each other? With my orange permatan, acrylic nails and Lily Savage-esque dark roots, you'll know I'm the Wilmslow ex-Wife... Ciao.
  8. Hi AppleCrumble. They faxed the court on Monday offering to settle. I emailed them and said I would accept the offer as partial settlement. So, their offer does not rule out me doing them for failing to comply with Directions then? I'll check out your thread now. Thanks vm. AMTG
  9. Oh, although Abbey have offered to settle, can I do anything else via the court or did the offer put paid to abuse of the system type order??
  10. Oh my God. I submitted my costs claim for £300 and they have offered me only £150 claiming there was a case in the Medway court where a judge refused costs. Probably just posturing on their part, but I have responded saying that yes it really did take me 8 hours printing (I have a very slow printer). Also, during the case, Abbey charged me an additional £80 in charges cos the timesheet I thought had been submitted for processing at my last job, hadn't been signed off in time. With my allocation questionnaire I provided an updated spreadsheet, but Ronan is saying that I needed to provide an amendment to the claim or start a new one. Any advice on this?? Also, he says that having offered £874 (short of my original claim), that the case is closed. I accepted the money as partial payment NOTHING MORE. Is he just trying it on or what?? Can they withdraw the offer?
  11. I've only gone and run out of bl**dy merlot. I blame you lot. Oooh, got some voddie somewhere. Nah. Think I will save myself for a lovely bottle of champers when shABBEY pay the dosh into my account. Yeehawwwwwwwwwww.
  12. Oh, and I am totally with you on the wine, music and friends thang. Although, I have only undulged in wine tonight and feel a bit squiffy now. Celebrating my partial win over Abbey on my own. What a saddo!!
  13. Hi Ladidi. In my case, they put in a defence and when I emailed asking if they intended to turn up in court, the offered to settle (minus a few quid) there and then. I was SO sure I would be the one they decided to make an example of, but I truly believe we will never see a case with Abbey go to court unless you have seriously b*ggered up your paperwork along the way. I have to say it was the easiest £900 I've ever made. Keep the pressure on, the WILL cave in. amtg
  14. Now, I'm not getting ahead of myself, but I wonder if Abbey are sick and tired of all this litigation. I sent this email to Abbey at 10.35am today: Thank you for your letter of 23rd July 2007 confirming that you wish to settle the claim. However, the claim is £51.90 short of my full claim and I will be pursuing in excess of £330 for the time to prepare the case. The £330+ costs are made up of time taken to prepare and post correspondence at £9.25 per hour, 3 x court bundle preparation including personal delivery to the Court, stationery i.e. toner cartridges, reams of paper and Next Day delivery of Ashurst's court bundle. In view of your co-operation, I would be prepared to limit my costs to £300, making a total claim of £1,226.25. I will happily submit the costs spreadsheet to enable a swift conclusion. If you would like to settle the total claim prior to going to Macclesfield County Court at 2pm 6th August 2007, please let me know by 10.35am Thursday 26th July 2007. If you agree to the above, I will call the court immediately and notify them of your intentions, but will not cancel the hearing until the funds have cleared into my account. If not, I have all the documentation prepared, the suit will be going to the dry-cleaner over the weekend and I will see Abbey and their representatives in court. To this I received the following response - about 2 minutes later: "WITHOUT PREJUDICE" Dear Madam I am currently looking into you request and seeking instructions from Abbey. I will get back to you in due course. Regards Ronan It'll be interesting to see what they come back with... Clearly, I'm not a lady to be trifled with!!
  15. SETTLED!!!! (well... nearly) 23rd July was the deadline for Abbey's court bundle. It did not arrive. 10 minutes ago I rang Macclesfield Court and if asked if they had received theirs and was told that Abbey had faxed them this morning saying that they had settled the case. They gave all the blah blah that it was in full and final settlement and no liability admitted etc and that they will be raising a cheque for £874.35. Now, this is £51.90 short of my claim. As I have PMT and am in fighting mood, I think I should go for the rest of my money PLUS the wasted time preparing the case. I have lost time and money over this and I want to be compensated. It's coming out at around £350 - how do I go about claiming this? Has anyone got a thread?? I am so giddy. I quite literally skipped around my kitchen. Glad there was no-one here to see it!! So, what do I do next? Say thank you for the partial settlement, but I WILL be pursuing the balance plus prep costs?
  16. Hi all. The deadline for my case was today. Abbey did NOT submit a bundle. They faxed the court this morning saying that they had settled (without admitting liability etc) so remove the case from their register. B*gger that. The offer was £52 short of my refund, plus I will be claiming for wastage costs etc. Do I now submit my additional costs to Abbey - maybe emailing them 45 times before they get p*ssed off and tell me not to email them any more??!
  17. I am delighted to report that I have won my battle with Abbey (all bar the wastage costs), so can afford to go out. Yah-bl**dy-hooooo! Please do keep me posted via PM, but I will check in every so often to see what's what! TTFN. AM
  18. ***AMTEEGEE VS ABBEY SETTLED (well nearly) *** Reka, Abbey faxed the court this morning to say that they are going to settle - minus £51.90 - dunno what that's for. I will pursue the balance AND the court case prep costs which is getting on for £350 now. I have been so giddy since calling the court, I don't think I've ever been so happy. Apart from when my son was born of course!! Any advice on getting the balance plus the prep costs??? Joy will be shortlived as entire win will be winging its way to my credit card bill!! Must get the old joint account action started... AM
  19. You'll never guess what...
  20. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:o
  21. Oh. Am I being blonde??? !! :o
  22. Hello all. I'm in Wilmslow, but am completely devoid of orange hue, false nails and designer gear! Sat 11th August.. is this still on? I could get a babysitter arranged if it's a definate go-er. Nando's is nice and cheap and hopefully by then I will have won my case against Abbey (court date 6th August). How do we arrange things going forward??? TTFN.
  23. Hi Michael, I can't get into that link. Is that the full address?Thx.
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