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Everything posted by KATEGB

  1. hey guyz... Received an AQ today as well what do i do? do i fill it in and submit or do i do the other above mentioned first??? heeellllppppp!!!
  2. AHHHH sorry! karne u rock ! thanks so much! will keep y'all posted!!
  3. What Happens To The Other 2 Copies? And What Are The Time Frames Associated?
  4. OK KARNE ...AND THANX FOR SPEEDY RESPONSE! so i dont need to write back to Cobbetts because in doing the N1 and N224 they will hear the ammended info from the court yes?
  5. ok guys help. advice to date re my situation: 1. do an N224 AND an N1 2. Because they have taken over 7000 from me claim for 4999 + 8% interest + s.69 interest + costs. (to keep it in small claims court) Then when they offer 100% settlement tell them they can settle the further 2000 or wait for it to be claimed back with interest and costs. Right? Questions? When I write back to them what do I send? where do the N1 and N224 GET DONE AND SENT TO? HELP HELP HELP AND THANX THANX THANX FOR ALL YOUR HELP ALREADY!!!!!!!
  6. DETAILS OF DEFENSE: (AS ANTICIPATED!!!!!) The dependent is embarassed by the lack of particularity pleaded in the particulars of claim to the extent that the particulars of claim fail to disclose reasonable grounds for bringing a claim against the defendant. in particular: 'The particulars of Claim set out very few facts indicating what the claim is about, are incoherant and do not disclose any legally responsible claim against the defendant. The defendant invites the claimant to remedy the above....etc etc
  7. ok so nat west filed their defense...and now i await to read it...then i have to file a N244 and an N1 to amment the above botched up claim!
  8. SO... I MADE MY CLAIM ON MONEYCLAIM BEFORE FINDING THIS SITE.... AND THIS IS WHAT I SAID.... Over the last six years Nat West have charged me (a student) and my husband (a motorcycle technician) in excess of £7000 in unfair bank charges. These charges have been for exceeding our overdraft limit,for using our switch card to pay for items when insufficient funds have been available,for cheques presented where insufficient funds have been available and for unpaid direct debits. This month (July 2006) I have had £549 taken out of my account in so called charges not including interest or the fees applied to my account. In accordance with the Office of Fair Trading's announcement of 5/04/06 DEFAULT CHARGES SET AT ABOVE £12 ARE UNFAIR AND UNENFORCABLE. To this end we are requesting that at least £5000 of the money taken from us be refunded. We have been loyal customers for eight years. On average £3500 has gone into our account every month. Each month we have paid interest and bank fees for theprivelage of banking with Nat West.
  9. sounds like its time to go to www.moneyclaim.gov.uk and take NATWEST to court. dont forget small claims court limit is 5000 and follow the advice in the library section on how to fill it in accurately. dont forget to claim back costs and 8% interest. Good luck!
  10. Here here Scotty! Go for it...but read every thing you can off this site first. Natwest have done me for over 7k over the last 6 yrs under the same circumstances u describe so i really feel for you. they are criminals!! it might be worth your while splitting the amount into separate claims to keep it in small claims court and safeguard you from any of their legal fees. Im not sure. I didnt know about this site when i started my claim and so i have claimed 5000 in small claims court and i am trying to find out how to get interest applied as well...any way go for it!!!! best of luck !!!!! kategb
  11. Hi Guyz! So Natwest have charged me 7000 over 6 yrs. Me knowing that small claims court max is 5000 have claimed 5000. (well actually 4880 + 120 money claim cost to total 5000) However I am now hearing that interest can be added at 8% and not affect the 5000 limit. is that the case, and if so do i need to ammend the claim to reflect the request for 8% interest? PLEASE ADVISE ME ....and thank u... i would be lost without all of u and i will definately be donating a sum when/if i get some of my money back!
  12. Thanx for that.... so interest applied at 8% can bring the total above and beyond the max 5000 and still be in small claims court? And what is the process to ammend the claim at moneyclaim? thanx u guyz!!!
  13. Hi! I called IKEA customer services up and asked them if they could tell me the total of their charges applied to my account over the last six years. They put me on hold and came back with the figure which was over 500. I sent out the letter asking for them back but that was a week ago and have heard nothing.... What do u think?
  14. i know! its daylight robbery and for the most part they are getting away with it. ive only just finished studying and so i start my new job in september but summer has been so tight and in july alone they did me for 750 in charges!! thanx for the support!
  15. any advice guys...? what happens when the money claim 28 days are up?
  16. the charges added up are the card misuse fees, unarranged borrowing fees, unpaid cheque fees etc. i'm not claiming for a service fees or interest.
  17. of course not. the fees monthly are 12. i live in y overdraft and pay another 50 or so in interest. the 7000 is purely charges. so asking 5000 back is fair play:(
  18. Hi everyone! so cool to find a place to air my grievances, empathise and get support and help!! You all rock! So NAT WEST ...charges through the nose on my advantage gold account. over 7000 through the last 6 years. wrote them the letter (thanx!) and recieved the fob off letter everyone seems to get. took heed of the fact that small claims court max is for 4 no more than 5000 and did the online money claim for 5000. true to form they took their time and last minute acknowledged buying themselves 28 days. time is passing and the 28 days ends around the 8th of september. what happens then? do you think i will physically end up in court and if so then what? i have added up each charge thanks to excel spreadsheet and have all the statements as evidence...any advice as to what next?! thanks so much...and good luck to all of u waiting to get whats yours back!
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