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  1. Hey All, Would just like to say a big thank you to all who have offered support!!
  2. Hi All, I have recently started proceedings with Natwest who have to date taken in excess of 15K, so this as you can appreciate is going to be an uphill battle. I have today sent the Data Protection Act template requesting all my charges over the last five years i am nervous but excited at the same time, i am fortunate enough to never had defaulted with my bank but have suffered some descrimanating charges over the years but have never known how to approach my bank about requesting charges back. To date Natwest have refunded me thirty five pound back which they admit was thier fault on two occasions but still to my amazment i only recieved half of the two charges in question back! Recently i have cleared by overdraft because i was so frustrated with the charges being put on me, i was having weeks of no wages what so ever and when your earing between three and four hundred pound a week its very dis-heartening, and upsetting in my case! I feel its now time for us all to get even, and my god i will see this out to the end untill i receive whats not rightfully, but lawfully mine! I have read all case notes and all background information on this website and im pretty confident i can pull it off, i have printed out all necessary forms and put them in time scale order including hard copys! I have everything laid out ready to go! Wish me luck, and good luck to eveybody else! Scotty
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