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Posts posted by raxtyjaxter

  1. Its ok Lateralus, there's no need. As yesterday was the climax to all this. I received a lovely OFFER!!!! in the post yesterday. Oh joyous occasions!!!! Its was for full claim amount....£1079.80. They hadn't allowed for the 0.20p a day since the claim was made, but that only totals up to about £12.00 which I'm not all that fussed about.


    I don't know if anyone else who gets there offer get a comical letter from DG saying that HSBC are positive that if this went to court then they'd be sure of winning (words to that effect), however we will give your money back. Joke or what!


    As I've read on other threads, I guess what I do now is ring up the court and ask them to freeze the situation on the claim and tell them that I have been made an offer and I'll contact them again once the funds are in my account.


    To all those who are reading this thread and thinking 'Oh, but it'll be different for me. I bet I'm the one which will be taken to court' Trust me, I felt the same, you WILL GET YOUR MONEY BACK if you put a little bit of time and thought into what you want back. The guys on here have been more than helpful, it's so refreshing to talk to people who actually want to help you, and they are a mind of information aswell!!!


    Thanks once again to all those who have backed me along the way!!!


    Now its SPEND SPEND SPEND!!!!

  2. Had nothing in the post over the weekend so I took it upon myself to call Rachel again. I got through this morning and aksed if I would be hearing anything soon. She said that HSBC are being 'awkward' to get hold of, but I will hear something as soon as DG do. Just wish a nice letter would come through the post with an offer!!! my AQ was filed almost a week ago.

  3. Right, after many a failed attempt I finally got through to Rachel Tompkinson this morning. She took my claim number and said that she is finding it difficult getting hold of their client (HSBC), but we would hear from them soon. Hopefully this has put me on top of the pile to be sorted. Fingers crossed. I mentioned that I had fild my AQ and she said that was fine. Quite nice really!!!

  4. I am in the same boat as you Flunky, I had to send off my AQ today as I received nothing in the post today. However I did not include an Order of Direction with mine :-S

    I dont know what happens next, I was ok upto now - but it seems like I am walking blind now!

  5. I have had to post my AQ off this morning. I really thought I would get an offer today, but a am susceptable to disappointment. I am worried that this will go further. Hopefully my AQ and their offer will cross over in the post. I dont know how Flunky got on??????

  6. I wish you were right lateralus!!! Didnt have anything in the post this morning. I am going to have to fill out my AQ and send it off in Tuesdays post. Has anyone else received an offer recently with their AQ deadline so close? What happens when I return my AQ?

  7. I hope Lateralus is right. Fingers crossed for you Flunky too!!! I have left several messages again with Julie, but it keeps on clicking to answerphone. I hope there is something waiting for me on my door mat when I get in tonight!!!

  8. I have returned home today from work to find that I still have no post. My deadline is the 30th. I really don't want to have to fill out the AQ. I am thinking of ringing AG Sol tomorrow and what the status is of my offer....


    You guys think thats a good idea?

  9. I requested that they called me to say they had received it on the fax I sent, which they kindly did. Julie said they will be processing the claim shortly. I have till the 30th. Maybe if I dont hear anything from them towards the end of next week then I think I will ring them again to see where the claim stands

  10. You are no different from anyone else MRC, we prety much all go through up to the AQ stage but we try to push the banks to make an offer before the AQ deadline. Btw - when is your AQ deadline? Have you sent a breakdown to DG solicitors? If not do it immediately!

  11. I am new to this so I don't know if you will consider my input.... I think it is wrong for the solicitors to threaten you with delaying the claim prosess, however I would provide them with the breakdown as this will speed up the recovery of your money. But like I said it is quite obscene for them to threaten you with delayed action....

  12. Right. I got a phone call today from Julie, after leaving several messages with Deborah. She requested that I fax over my breakdown summary, which I have now done. Hopefully this will get the ball rolling!

  13. I tried ringing Deborah yesturday, but to no avail. It kept on clicking to answer machine. Does anyone know if she is away temporarily, or is there another number I could ring? Failing that should I just fax through my breakdown anyway? Trouble is, I want to speak to them to try and move it along....

  14. I am in exactly the same boat as you Lisa. The defence that DG Sol have given you are exactly, I mean word for word, the same as mine, and your AQ deadline day is the same as mine. All I can say is....SNAP!


    Thats perfectly acceptable sentance to use. Just put the claim reference at the top along with Vs HSBC Plc, then send it off. But ring them a few days later to ask if they have received it.

  15. Ok. I am wondering what to say to DG tomorrow. Obviously I will say have you received my breakdown and what not, but I am on about the matter of them making an offer. Surely they will say "What makes you think we will make an offer to you...." My claim is for less than £1500, so I can't use the excuse that when I fill in the AQ it will add a cost of £100 to my claim, so it's in your interest to make an offer. Just a little worried at the moment.

  16. My AQ deadline is the 30th Jan. A Tuesday. I am going to ring up DG Sol tomorrow and ask them if they have my breakdown. They will probably say no, so I'll have to fax it to them. Hopefully its not long till I see my money!

  17. Ok, I received the paperwork this morning in the post. I will briefly jot down what their defence says:


    1)Claimant account is governed by the Defendants personal banking t/c's

    2) Defendant is entitled to make a charge for its services, set out in defendants price list

    3) Defendant denies unfair charges applied to account to penalties at common law and/or unfair contract terms of purpose of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 (UTCCR's)

    4) Charges applied are reasonable and are fully disclosed in the defendants t/c's. Charges represent the contractually agreed price and the UTCCR's are not applicable to them; alternatively, they are not unfair contrary to the UTCCR's. These are default charges and not a penalty.

    5) Each and every allagation by the claimant is denied. It is denied that the Claimant is entitled to the relief claimed or any relief.


    Does this sound like the normal schpeel they send out?

  18. I have looked at MCOL this morning and it tells me that they are defending the claim in full. Last minute job. I was getting ready to pass judgement on the the claim and win by default.....nevermind. I have yet to receive documentation of the claim being passed on to my local court. What happens now?

  19. I was in mid-post before I read your reply's. I am thinking that by the time they give me partial settlement, it'll be close to when they will give me full settlement. I am torn to whether I should respond or not and to just ring DG Solicitors to see if they received my letter.

  20. I have just read Daisy111's thread and I now feel that I shud reply to HSBC along the lines that Daisy111 used...

    "Thank you for letter dated (blah). However I decline your offer of £703.48 as this is unsatisfactorily less than my original claim and the interest from my claim and my court fees have not been included in your offer"

    What do you think?

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