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  1. Hi, thanks for the reply, no the sim card has never been touched. Once we looked at the bill and the start of the text messages we remembered that this was about the same time that we lost our signal and the phone went to emergency calls only for a few days, which is why we rang t-mobile and asked them what was up with it. The phone is a brand new S3 mini on contract from t-mobile only a about 4 months old. we are going our local CAB today ask for some advice because we have clearly been a victim of fraud but t-mobile are saying we havn't and we have the best part of 4 days sending 8,000 text messages! even tho we was in work with the phone and cudn't possible of done this.
  2. Hi everyone, I received our June mobile phone contract bill and it has over 8000 text messages on it which are not ours! This is over £1800 inc VAT! The bill is 160 pages long double sided and T-mobile are saying the messages are valid. We have not made these text messages and they are all international a few seconds apart and all to different numbers over 4 days! We are getting nowhere with T-mobile and we have sent a letter to the complaints department and they said the fraud department has looked at it but the text messages are valid and there is no fraud but there clearly is and we did not send them! We have been with T-mobile for over 7 years and we still have the phone in our possession. The signal went on the night that the messages started and we didn't think anything of it. A few days later we rang t-mobile and said we had no signal and they told us about the bill! What can we do now!!?? Very worried about this and we can't afford to pay this bill t-mobile has started to threaten with debt collectors. Martin
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