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  1. so that's interest for the first bank charge? that's ridicolous, i am assuming i can claim both the original charge and the interest back? I do not have an advantage gold account many thanks
  2. Well I have just received my statements. Anyway, I found a charge on 3rd march for £28.00 and then I get onto the 31march, and on the details part of my statement it actually says 3mar a/c (my account number..) then withdrawn part is £28.00 so is this another charge for 3rd march or the same one? it's v.confusing! - Sarah P.S I have also just found another on here, it says 31 may under date, then under details it says charges 28 APR a/c(my acc number..) withdrawn £28.00 why are they coming up on wrong dates? am i being thick:confused:
  3. hi well he has spoke to them & they said if he pays some money this week they will hold the account do u know what that means? My partner does not seem to want to do this. he says he may aswell go bankrupt but i do not think this is a good idea
  4. hi everyone i know this is wrong but i googled rockwell and this is what came up, and its same number, there was a message left on the machine from them for my partner, do you think they would tlk to me? we r not married but i would like to actully talk about the debt where-as my partner will probably guess wot it is or already know & he won't ring them, i have a brain & know we cnt avoid them forever. What do you think?
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