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  1. all noted will do and thanks again for your advise much appreciated as always
  2. Its okay i dont mind and thanks. But if there is no photographic evidence and the phone holder wasnt my phone but they could have midjudged the item in my hand how will the court go in favor of them?
  3. all noted thanks all. Please see statement attached. There is no way they could have seen me holding the phone holder from behind or on the side. i still stand with taking them to court and going 2nd statement attached.
  4. i love this forum and appreciate all the comments. Yes it was near my lap and it was a split second only and the car didnt lose control and both hands were on there. If you read the officers statement its so unreal. The officet who also stepped out said look because your license is clean take it to court.
  5. It just dropped near my lap near gearbox department. I only follow bluetooth sound on directions so police officer could not have seen me with a phone at all as they were behind me. I just thought id try place it back again.
  6. Thanks all for your kind comments and advise. Have decided to take this to court will let you know outcome.
  7. Ah right i understand and thank you for your response however it was not used, should i accept the fine and penalty? fine is going to be reduced by 33% i believe. when will the points go away?
  8. Can anyone advise please Police car stopped me on a dual carriageway and apparently saw me using my phone which is incorrect. They were driving behind me. My car has bluetooth built in and my navigation was on but was on a phone holder. The phone holder had fell and i just picked this up which was attached to my phone. I didn't use my phone for calls or text and was simply hearing the directions, however i am not happy with the 6 points or a fine and now thinking to take the police to court because of the false accusation, they can even go through my call history or whatsapp whatever they like. Please help
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