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Posts posted by mynamenotjeff

  1. Hello everyone

    I received a notice to owner dated 6th March,

    the offence (parking on a dropped curb) was on the 31st Jan.


    I didn't get a physical ticket on my car.

    I live in a slightly rough area so it is possible someone just took it off as a 'prank'.

    I didn't get the opportunity to pay the reduced amount and now I am being told to pay £70


    I am not sure whether I have grounds to appeal the ticket or not.

    It was a council issued ticket and I was parking on a residential street

  2. Hello again everyone


    I’m afraid to say I have no idea what to do again, I received a call from Allianz saying that I’d get payment within 5-10 working days and that they were very sorry about the delay. 

    it’s been those 10 working days now and again I have nothing. I’ve already contacted the ombudsman service but now they are not responding. Should I just begin to take matters into my own hands, it seems as though I’m just getting the runaround at this point and I’m just frustrated. 


  3. Hi just another quick update.


    Finally got through to them on the phone and they told me payment actually bounced back due to incorrect account details,


    I am not sure how since the claim letter has the correct details on but anyway, they said to expect payment within 10 days so fingers crossed!


    In response to your question manxman, you're correct, nothing decided it's just a recommendation.


    I'm also not sure how the whole investigate further thing works but she reopened the file since there was an issue with payment.

  4. Allianz on twitter got back to me, and now I'm completely lost as to what to do next 


    Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding. The payment message appears to have been sent to you by mistake on our end. Your claim, however, is still missing certain documentation. We will need a lab base test result or an NHS lateral flow submitted on the NHS website to support a covid related claim; however, we do not accept lateral flow. Please send us the necessary documentation so that the claims team can process your claim. Thanks


    It seems they are completely backtracking on the payment confirmation they sent me. What's confusing me is, I have already done this months ago. For some background, they requested some further information on the 26th August. They requested 


    - Anything from the NHS stating that you had covid after you submitted your lateral flow test to the NHS


    I sent them a screenshot email on the 7th September (I missed the initial email, completely my fault) from the NHS showing a positive result and I thought that was that. For them to now say it was sent in error has caught me off guard to be honest. 


    What on earth do I do now, I doubt I would be a fool to assume they have no intention of paying up.....

  5. Hi, thanks for both your replies


    I’m absolutely sure payment hasn’t been made yet. I was worried at first maybe I put the wrong details down or something but then I checked the details provided and they were right. I only really have one bank account I use for paying and getting paid so I would have definitely noticed, plus being a student if £150ish went into my account trust me I would’ve noticed!!


    In regards to the second reply, I will send them another message some point this week and see what they say. It’s probably one of those where one person says they’ll do something and never get round to it, but I’ll chase them up 


    Again, thanks for the help

  6. Hello, hope everyone’s had a good Christmas. Sorry for the radio silence.

    The lady who’s in charge of my ombudsman case got back to me on the 16th December, and told me the ombudsman decision is not legally binding yet, and to wait 2 more weeks and see. It’s been those 2 weeks now and I still haven’t gotten anything.


    I have sent them an email back asking for next steps but frankly this is just getting annoying by now, especially when I’m basically being taken for an idiot and a fool when Allianz are sending me payment confirmation and saying on their twitter that they will pay me and never following through. (EDIT: lady in charge is out of office for another week so advice in the meantime, should I wait or get the ball rolling myself)


    I will try and get the FOS decision to be legally binding and then maybe they’ll comply. In the meantime, is there anything more to be done? I’m tempted to seek damages for the pure stress and headache this has caused me the last few months, but I’m unsure if I have a case


  7. Thanks for the advice 


    Ive sent an email to them, saying that I will be starting legal action against them. I got the same automated response I always get when I have sent emails so I expect nothing


    I have a couple questions about form N322A though. Why would I use N322A as opposed to N322B? What would I require the courts permission for, since its a set sum that I am claiming for? Apologies if that's a daft question just trying to understand what I would be doing. 



  8. Hi, thanks for the quick response.


    To save a lot of typing I will attach the final decision from the ombudsman and the confirmation email from allianz


    In short, they approved the claim and the ombudsman deemed it a fair response. They ended it there and said if there's any further issues to get back in touch and they would re-open the case 



    Ombudsman decision.pdf Payment letter 2022 4516862 2022-11-23 200430 copy.pdf

  9. Hi everyone, I have been having some trouble with Allianz not paying out on an insurance claim I made regarding a missed event.


    I bought tickets to an event back in July and caught covid, so I wasn't able to go. I subsequently made a claim with Allianz (as I had bought the tickets from ticketmaster and paid extra for insurance just in case). I provided proof of purchase, and proof I had covid. I heard absolutely nothing back from them after that. I made multiple phone calls, complaints, emails, and they were all ignored.


    I then involved the financial ombudsman service to help sort this, on the 11th of November. I got a response from Allianz finally on the 23rd November saying my claim had been approved and to wait 5-10 days for payment. As you have probably guessed by now, no such payment arrived. I have re-contacted the ombudsman but frankly at this point its just ridiculous and I am asking whether I have any grounds for legal action against this company.


    Thank you

  10. This is incredible information I’m immensely grateful

    i will 100% provide a summary I don’t intend to use these services and ghost afterwards it would frankly be rude and disrespectful 

    I do now have a printer/scanner so any documents that need scanning will be done so appropriately 

    I don’t really intend on losing out on my court costs but to be honest the extra £100 I can probably live without, naturally I will try to gun for it as hard as possible though

    again your help is much appreciated 

  11. yeah I've had a read they seem to have a reputation for trying to fleece you and get away with lower that what the claimant actually asked for, and the mediators can fuel that.


    I'll sort out the scanner, it's a big university, there will be one somewhere, I'll reupload when I find one.


    I filled out the DQ and I'm personally happy with mediation, I have no intention of settling for any less than what I am owed.


    I will print off and post a copy to hermes and back to the county court hopefully today

  12. I apologise for the photo quality first of all, I was intending in buying a printer/scanner but with being at university as you can imagine money is pretty tight and £70 is not something I can spend freely on something that would be used sparingly, especially with free printing being offered on my course

    As for the insurance aspect, yes I can see that being something they try on prey upon. I know that you are against the idea of mediation, from other threads I’ve read and with this being a slightly larger sum, do you think mediation is the route to take or a hearing? 

    I actually got the directions questionnaire with everything else so I just filled it in. I understand that’s what you meant by DQ?

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