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Posts posted by Topkekker

  1. Posting an update on this. Not sure what my next best move is.

    • I posed the above letters. 
    • Octopus have just emailed me details of my SAR request, including Dropbox links to:
      • Telephone calls, email correspondence, and energy statements.
      • I haven't acknowledged these, or clicked any links, as I sent my initial correspondence by mail and not email.
    • Octopus have said they "cannot exercise your right to be forgotten until the balance is settled"
    • UK Search Limited have started posting letters again, much like the first time, saying they are working on behalf of Octopus Energy to recover...

    So it seems like they have restarted the process as it was about 6 months ago.


    @dx100ukdo I just wait for them to threaten court action again and reply with the same information?





  2. So, checklist of what is happening this week:

    • Printing your version of the PAP reply form and sending it to Shulmans LLP. 
      • Ticking box D (I dispute the debt) for the following reasons:
        • I paid in full my pre-agreed direct debits on time, each month, for 13 months. After 13 months had elapsed, Octopus Energy claimed that my usage meant I now owed them £976.93 in arrears. This arrears estimate is erroneous and has no basis in reality, primarily as I did not give Octopus Energy an initial electricity meter reading.To give context to the scale of their obvious error, my home is a one bedroom flat with three rooms.
        • Also, the debt purchaser has yet to provide any or all of the required documentation.
      • Ticking box I and request:
        • All bills and meter readings
        • A copy of the Default Notice
        • A copy of the Notice of Assignment

        • A complete set of statements detailing exactly how the debt has accrued detailing:

          • All Transactions.

          • Any additional charges, be them by the original creditor or you Shulmans LLpp, the debt purchaser or any predecessor DCA.

          • Details of all contractual interest added by whom and on what date.

          • List of ALL Payments made toward the Agreement

    • Re-sending the SAR request to Octopus Energy and telling them they are now overdue delivery.

    I had also considered doing the following but will hold fire for now (?)

    • Sending a letter to my MP.
    • Sending a letter to the Energy Ombudsman.
    • Sending a letter to the FCA.


  3. @dx100uk thank you. Yes it was an electricity bill.


    - I put my details into MoneySupermarket for a new supplier.

    - I was quoted £30 p/m with Octopus.

    - Used them for 13 months and paid everything on time.

    - They decided after 13 months they have been undercharging me to the tune of £970.

    - Ask them where they got their initial meter reading from as I didn't provide one. They ignore and insist I pay.

    - Switched providers and now pay £50 per month on average.

    - They release these doubt hounds on me.


    I'm looking to buy a house in the next few months so really could do with this not going to court.


    Equally I'm absolutely disgusted with how this company thinks it can treat people. I wonder how a more vulnerable or older person on my situation would feel and it makes my blood boil.




  4. @dx100ukI never got a response to my SAR from Octopus.


    But I have just received a 'letter before court action' from one of their legal representatives, who have been "instructed to consider legal action against [me] if full payment, a settlement or your proposals to make suitable repayments arrangements are not received in the next 30 days."


    I'm reading the threads now. Any advice on how to proceed? 

  5. Hey guys,


    I was using a utility supplier for 18 months.

    Every month, paid my direct debit on time.


    One day, they reviewed my account and said they had miscalculated my energy consumption and I now owe them £900. 


    I switched energy suppliers straight away as a consequence. 


    I am now being contacted by UK Search Limited by phone, email and text message. So far, I haven't responded and don't intend to.


    I've checked my credit file. The account with the original utility supplier is closed and settled according to Credit Karma. 


    So what should I do with UK Search Limited? As far as I see it:


    • Completely ignore them until they go away (my preferred option)
    • Contact them in some way and dispute the debt


    I would be very grateful for any advice on how to proceed. I currently have an excellent credit score. 


    Thank you,


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