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Posts posted by keek

  1. God knows , Really dont know how I lost, she got caught her out with the lies she told.

    In summing up the judge agreed with the "expert" witness that the height wouldn't make a difference to image quality even though it does. 

    I just dont get it, she didnt even have any of the paperwork the judge had to read it for her, she said she had lost it. 

    I'm livid.

    She tried to claim costs of £1050 plus £550 but was awarded £750 cheeky cow! 

    I asked if I could appeal but the judge said it wasn't a good idea. 

  2. Hi , thanks for all the replies, Much appreciated. 

    I've not spoken to the expert we agreed on yet, I am waiting on the directions from the court after the hearing last week. 


    I have received a letter from the claimant this morning telling me she is in the process of getting a fully qualified cctv expert. 🤦‍♂️ 


    Think she's trying to backtrack on the family friend non expert she said she wanted at the last hearing. 

     The letter is nonsense she's on about a cracked skirting board now.

  3. Hi Andy,

    Thanks for the info.


    I'm struggling to understand how the claim can be resolved with no independent expert.

    At the last hearing the judge said it could only be resolved with an independent experts report. We aagreed on one.

    Why would he then let her pick her own and me act as my own expert? 


    Her "expert" did a witness statement at the very beginning, im sure the judge told her at one of the hearings it couldn't be used as he wasn't an expert. I think I uploaded the report. Its rubbish. 

    Will her "expert" do a new report or just attend the hearing and rely on his initial statement?


    I'll will update when I get the info from the court. 


     Thanks again. 

    • Like 1
  4. Yes very patient. She is a nightmare! 

    I couldn't believe it when she said who she wanted to use as an expert. 

    Just confused as to why the original expert didnt want to do it, maybe she didnt instruct them in the 1st place. I have never recieved anything from them. She said she spoke to them and they have put a trace on me. She's crackers! 

    Thank you for all the advice, fingers crossed the next hearing will be the last. 

  5. Morning, 

    Just to update, I had the telephone directions hearing this morning.


    She told the judge the independent expert we chose will not attend now. She said they had put a trace on me whatever that means. She couldn't explain why they wouldn't attend and I have not received any correspondence from them as to a reason why. 


    The judge said she could use her own expert.


    Her expert is an electrician he does not install cctv equipment therefore not an expert. He is also a family friend of the claimant.

    I raised my concerns with the judge regarding this he said he would deal with it at the hearing. 

    He said I could be my own expert. 

    The hearing will be booked for after 21st June at the claimants property. 






  6. Morning,

    Hope everyone is well.

    Just to update, I phoned court yesterday to find out if the claimant has written to them. The court said they have not received anything and to call back next week. 


    The letter I received dated 4th May said the claim is stayed for 4 months and the hearing on the 20th is vacated. 

    The claimant had to write within 7 days of the expiry of the stay to inform the court if they wanted the matter to be listed again. 


    The lady I spoke to at court seemed confused and couldn't confirm if the deadline was from the 4th May or the 20th May when the hearing was vacated. 


    Just wondered if someone could clarify this as from my working out she had until 11th September.

    Many Thanks 



    Just a quick update.

    Received a letter from court today.


    The claim has been stayed for four months and the hearing vacated.


    The claimant shall write to the court within 7 days of the expiry of the stay to inform the court if the matter should be listed for a hearing or if an extension of the stay required.


    Since this order was made of the courts own motion any party shall have permission to apply to the court to vary the contents of the order or set aside within 7 days of service. 



  8. BazzaS thanks , didn’t look at it that way. 

    I served a witness statement before the last hearing but it doesn’t include the photos of the camera she has interfered with as she did this after the hearing when the judge asked for an expert report. 

    Shes sneaky. That’s why she had an issue of me hand delivering letters and phoned the police saying I was harassing her. 

    Should I send an updated one including the things that have happened since? 

  9. Thanks, I just don’t understand it. How can it be a fair hearing at her house? 

    Doesn’t seem very fair to me especially when I’ve done what’s been asked with the help for you guys. Which I really appreciate , I didn’t have a clue what to do before coming here. 

    Can’t thank you all enough. 


    No mention of a witness statement in the order. I think all that was sent in before the last hearing when the judge said he couldn’t rule unless the cctv had been inspected. But I will check. 


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