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Everything posted by PTSD

  1. I could keep up payments and live on beans and rice etc. I don't know what to do. Of course I accept responsibility but I don't seem to be able to see the light
  2. I work for the local council. What caused my ptsd was not in the job. I am vulnerable but I get good mental health support and have done for a long time. I told my mental health worker what I have done and I have excluded all accounts. What triggered the PTSD was an horrific sustained violence , and being chained up I won't say anymore. I find the need to find a quick remedy as I can not cope in my mind and smells, noises, anything . I have mitrazipine Valium and sleeping meds. What have I done ? !
  3. I work for the council I am vulnerable but I get good mental health support and have done for a long time. I told my mental health worker what I have done and I have excluded all accounts. What triggered the PTSD was an horrific sustained violence , and being chained up I won't say anymore. I find the need to find a quick remedy as I can not cope in my mind and smells, noises, anything . I have mitrazipine Valium and sleeping meds. What have I done ? !
  4. Thank you for the replies. I have called the Samaritans a few times just lately. I do get mental health suppport. I am in a panic and must get control of this I've been reading about DMP but it seems the interest will get added. How will I cope with letters and phone calls Functioning only on some levels but other levels dis function
  5. All taken out Feb till July of this year aside from likely loans Yes it was gambling as escape from mental health All unsecured loans and credit cards. Had to take 12 month break from paying mortgage. Should I remortgage ? What do I do
  6. Thanks for replying. I feel out of my depth. My credit rating was poor but went to fair around November and most people would not touch me but I managed to get Tesco loan and 2 cards total in the space of 5 months £14K Hsbc 9K CC Marks 2k CC Hitachi capital loan 6K Likely loan 3.5K I had been through an horrific case and have been so ill for some time mentally with PTSD but I do at least manage to work. Will I lose my house ? I had missed payments on my file and it was shot but started to go up when then defaults started to come off around october last year I have not missed any payments yet but the wall is about to crumble and so will my mind.
  7. Hello I have PTSD and have spent a mind blowing £32k in 10 months and have nothing to show for it at all. All debts taken out recently on a fair credit rating. Most 0 percent but some not. I have a lot of equity in my house but thats all that keeps me safe. I work and take home about 1600 a month plus 80 disability. I feel in over my head and today the specialist has change my meds. Do i do an IVA a debt management. The whole thing freaks me out. I pay out £800 plus a month to these debts. My own doing but I have been mentally unwell Any advise
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