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Everything posted by daispurs

  1. Its strange I have been through all my letters and only letters off lowell for this case are from lowell solicitors informing me of this " as you are we represent lowell portfolio and we have issued proceedings against you in the form of a county court judgement which you failed to respond to propsal of payment or a reason why debt is disputed , this letter however prior to the lowell solicitors letters i have dated the first one on may 15th 2016 , i had no prior correspondence off lowell informing me they now have the catalogue debt . this letter dated 13th may 2016 gave me until the 23rd to respond , 10 days from date of letter ,not taking into account a few days it took to reach me in post , then the weekend , gave me about 4 days to respond . legal proceedings were nearly on top of me before I had any chance to even negotiate with lowell portfolio ,as I was never given the chance as I was not made aware the debt had been sold on to lowell portfolio until receipt of the lowell solicitors letter of the 13th may Should i ask for it to be set aside on this ? Also this letter has already added fees as the principal debt was £234, and on this first letter was £328 sorry should of read the first letter dated 13th may,not 15th
  2. Telephoned the courts this morning , I didn't phone until 11am , and was told I needed to contact the bailiff office as the court doesn't just send out the forms , the bailiff office only opens 9 am - 10.30 am , I didn't realise this , so will have to ring bailiff office in the morning . Can they remove motability vehicles ? I dont own the car ,motability do ,I just lease it ,thank you
  3. I have accessed noddle , debt is catalogue Fashionworld , JD Williams debt originally£ 234, now £429 with all fees , solicitors ,court fees etc . It was the JD Williams that threw me ,forgot about fashionworld
  4. warrant of control was dated 13th january , says payment due to the court before the 22nd january . what does a defence for the org mean please ? I dont recall owing this debt to JD Williams , would Lowell have a copy of this account , contract and payments made in past ? would they have to submit this to the courts ? I know its from JD as Lowells Solicitrors letters to me about the missed £50 payments states the original company name as JD Williams
  5. Thank you for replying its a catalogue debt for JD Williams , initial debt before costs was 253.57 before costs, now £328 it says £350.37 Thank you for your reply , so it will be a county court judge that will attend after the 22nd January ? as I cant pay it , ive tried to borrow but nobody can help
  6. Today I have received a Issue of warrant of control for debt to lowell from the courts ,it states a baliff will to remove goods call unless full payment is made by 22nd jan . I admit I have left this spiral out of control , but need advise please . I am a full time carer for my wife who has severe mental health problems/suicidal thoughts and multiple physical disabilities . Also my son who has severe autism has been having fits and I have been so worried about both my wife and my son and also suffering dizziness and anxiety myself have left this go , I did receive a claim form back in april , then in july was ordered to pay instalments of £50 a month , however my financial situation is that my wife claims employment support Allowance and is in the support group , she claims Personal Independence payment , the mobility payment being paid for her motability car ) the only income in my own name is £62 a week carers allowance, also back in January last year a budget sheet was compiled when contacting the national debt helpline of our finaces and we had more outgoings than income . The £50 a week set by the court has not been paid and I have buried my head in the sand so to speak due to all going on with my wife's mental health , and my sons fits ,now Ive made matters worse receiving the Warrant of Control . I havnt got the money to pay , and I cant allow balliffs in and this would cause my wife distress , and as she is prone to suicide attempts . Also severe anxiety disorder .ongoing depression and is on a lot of medication. , constant tremors Any advise please , I have alot of documented evidence of my wifes mental health from health care professionals . kind regards
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