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Everything posted by lg1984

  1. Will it also help if I can show what steps I've made to avoid issues in the future? For example, and before they asked me to meeting, I set up medication delivery, made up the lateness (and more), and arranged early pick up,for my son to mean I got into work earlier. Does that sound relavent? I just want to show I do take it seriously.
  2. Thanks so much, that really helps and has given me a lot to think about. The shifts where there were childcare issues were ones outside my normal pattern, I'd agreed to help them out due to staff shortages. So I think there I will have to apologise for not communicating that was an issue, and to stress that I'm still happy to change shifts if it helps but might need an extra 10 mins. I think the health thing is relevant, but I can see what it looks like to them...and to be honest, would have thought my employee was taking the pee on the evidence they have on this point. So will have to be clear as well as apologetic. Hmm. Got some days to make notes there. Thanks again. You've helped me think through some of the issues and the best way to approach them. I think, honestly, I've been a naive idiot all round, but they have always been considerate in the past, and my record is good, so I'm hoping a warning will suffice. Going to be unpleasant all round, but hopefully not dismissal.
  3. You're right, that was a blanket statement. Hmm. So, it's not every day. But maybe once a fortnight or so, someone will go 10 mins early for whatever reason, without asking. It's certainly happened to me a few times where a colleague has left early without asking manager when I'm on staff. Like I said, I was naive...Just because they did it doesn't mean I should have, but it's not unheard of at all, and no one has ever been disciplined. Does that make more sense?
  4. not in the slightest - sorry if that was unclear. I'm hoping to resolve this amicably so I can work well whilst here and if a new job comes, can leave well. I'm aware I've mucked up, but I'm actually really scared of dismissal.
  5. Sadly, without a job to go to and as a low income family, it ain't that easy!
  6. is this something they may be likely to do a written warning for? Am desperately trying to get out of the place, so don't want it on record, though it's not the end of the world!
  7. Hi there, I've been summoned to an investigation meeting at work regarding several allegations. This is the first time this has ever happened to me, so I'd appreciate some advice on their points? 1. Lateness - this is a total "fair cop". This has largely arisen from agreeing to change my shifts on some days and not realising it would clash with school run (my son is 4, so this is the first time school has been an issue) - however, it's my fault for not communicating this well. 2. Making mistakes - there were two mistakes made in my knowledge. However, my manager verbally told me "not to worry about it" and I haven't, in my knowledge done it since - they certainly haven't told me? 3. The potential biggies. I have definitely done these two, and will definitely admit this, but may have been naive. The situation... My 4 year old was ill (I can provide proof of this). I was unable to get medication for depression and anxiety before that point because of this , and, due to a recent relapse, felt it important to get it There was no manager to ask for permission, and my collegue said he was happy for me to go. However, I was spotted in town and reported. I totally accept this, and was probably naive, but it has become common practice for staff members to leave for "spurious" reasons - eg, coffee - and so I'd felt this was ok. They are also stating leaving the shift 10 minutes early. Again, agreed with colleages, and again, this has become common practice, with staff members leaving up to 20 mins early! Again, I think I was naive, but I'd also left an ill child in the care of my husband, who they are aware also has personal issues, and there was no manager to ask. Just preparing myself - I struggle with anxiety so preperation for me is crucial! I should just add my last appraisal was glowing so I definitely have a good record...
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