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Everything posted by HUSKY!

  1. Just posted this on a F.O.I. request page, the quotes were perhaps from a different request response re-posted on that page in a comment. "...However we do encourage claimants to sign electronically by highlighting the advantages that it will give them." "...it significantly reduces the risk of errors occurring." LOL...5:30am and no money in the bank!. Needless to say, last Monday was the first and last time I sign with that junk. Now I have to forget about sleep and rack up the phone bill for two hours trying to get past their "try phoning later when we're less busy" junk, followed by a slow roast on the bus (another £4/2 hours of my life down the drain) to go get the money and pay it in before a dozen failed PayPal direct debits fry my bank account and have me dodging debt collectors for the next 6 years. I strongly suggest you all give this fail a miss. "errors"?...not had one in twenty years solid....until now, unless you count the few times my Giro went to a wrong, but similar address...or, signing for weeks on end and not one person is aware that my claim was closed because I was sick one too many times (happened 2 or 3 times!). EDIT: WHAT A TWIT!!!......it's Wednesday not Thursday...no wonder the money isn't there!. Sleep deprivation:sleep:...plays havoc with your memory, i.e. ...what day of the week it is. Roll on midnight....there's only one cider left in the fridge:faint:
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