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Everything posted by Thelostone1

  1. Hi Capquest, thanks for pointing that out, i wasnet aware. The reason i havent is because the 3 months is due to expire around the 26th so i believe i am too late for that.The reason is i cannot afford the fees they ask. Im not on low income but my wages covers my bills etc. The savings i had went on paying the bills in the month i wasent paid. Will this go against me if i jump straight into the County Court option?
  2. Hi, Thanks for the input so far. I have decided i am going to go SCC route as i cannot afford the up front payment of the Triburnal. I am first writing a letter to ask for payment not recieved. Is there anything i should defo put in. I have wrote this so far. Is this the sort of points i need to make in the letter. ? I just wanted to check before i send as i havent had to do anything like this before. Thank you.
  3. hi all. Thanks for the replies thus far. I did shortly hear through the grapevine after I left that he said to someone they didn't have a leg to stand on but was playing hard to get. I was prepared at the time to forget about it as i couldnt be bothered to fight it if it came to that. It has now started to effect me money wise and I don't see it fair that technically I worked 3 weeks for nothing. I was told in this discussion I had they felt cheated as I had just had two weeks of for Xmas which was included in December's wages, and technically I could owe more but is willing to call quits there and then. knowing how they work (quite aggresive/threatening business people) is probably the reason I have yet to do anything about it. But as I am running out of time I need too. Thanks for reading and replies thus far.
  4. Hi there, I am after some advice as im real confused, please bear with me while i give you some background story. a couple months back (jan) i handed in my notice after finding a new job, we had received a bonus for Christmas which stated it was also for the hard work we had done for 2014. Anyway, after saying they may want the bonus back, i carried on with my day to day duties. No more was said about paying it back. Pay day comes round and everyone gets paid except me. (i have 2 weeks of my notice period left at this point) Being first thing in the morning of pay day i confront the person in charge and they replied that they do indeed want the bonus back and we sit down and sort out how they get it back. I am given a few options like working the next 2 weeks of my notice for free, and ill get my wages owed upto the point of payday. Or if i work 1 week ill get 900 and something. etc.. They said i could pay back 100pound a month back for 10months, i offered 50 for 20 but that wasn’t good enough. The bonus was 1500, but they said they wanted 1000 back as i would have paid tax etc.. and 1000 was a round enough figure. Anyway i ended up walking out as i was basically financially held to ransom. I don’t feel like i should had to pay the bonus back as the letter stated it was for 2014 and it isn’t to influence nor an incentive for 2015 and future years with the company, but said i would pay back 50 over 20 months just to get my wages. I am a bit confused as with the contract side i never got one when i joined and about a year later they were issued to everyone (it is only a small company) and it doesn’t say anything about repayment of monies owed. It is very basic. It also said at the end of the contract that they wanted them back within 7 days signed, or they would take it that we verbally agree to the terms. (another matter – I have been told that verbally agreeing it more law abiding that signing to agree, so unsure if I really had a contract or not) I am owed around 3 weeks wages which I roughly work out just over 1000pound. I did ring Acas but the lady was very unhelpful at the time and got me of the phone with in 15secs. Where do I stand with this? Is it worthwhile pursing with this, i have been told by my new jobs HR dept, that i would have a case. Many thanks for reading.
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