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  1. Hi, First post, and it's to a thread nearing 4 years old which - most likely - will never be read again, but someone has obviously gone to a lot of trouble over this issue in the past, and so the least I could do is register and throw in my two cents. My Bannatyne's membership expired two days ago, and I googled a quick search to find out whether or not I'd pay through the nose to 'STOP' receiving their marketing texts, when I came upon this. I just couldn't stop myself from reading! Anyway, here it is... ...you're an idiot. If you signed a contract to guarantee your paying £39.94 to Bannatyne's, each month, for a period of no-less-than 12 months, for an item of no-more-than £90.00 value, you're an idiot. IF however, you joined Bannatyne's because you had the best of intentions and wanted to get healthier, then more power to you. I hope you made use of the facilities and realized that whatever bs you were given in the beginning was of little matter, compared to the improved quality of life that a gym membership can bring. Now please don't get me wrong; I was fed a lot of bs from Bannatyne's at first too, and you are nothing more than a number to them. They really couldn't care less whether or not you make use of their facilities and go on to say nice things about them. It's JUST business. Duncan Bannatyne isn't exactly a former Olympian with a passion to save us from our morbid obesities, after all (still drives the ice cream van to work each day s'what I heard - wee part time thing on the side; pays for the holidays). And as a businessman, I'm sure he'd be the first to tell you that, after doing the maths, erm... yup you're an idiot. I really hope that you have learned to get over things and 'let it go' since all this was going on. With this kind of attitude, I'm amazed you had any friends to refer Bannatyne's to in the first place (are they still your 'friends', now they know you expose all their info and contact details to third parties at the slightest sniff of a discount for yourself?). AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYWAY, I'm getting kinda harsh! Not my intention really. I don't like Bannatyne's either. They suck. All the best for 2015!
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