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Everything posted by Twolips

  1. Do you know where the DWP rules which cover this are as i would like to get a print out and take it to their manager. Thanks
  2. Hi Guys I wonder if anyone can help me. Ingeus are trying to make my life hell i have had 4 visits to date the first 2 they were late and started threatening to sanction me straight away asking for personal details in an open office which i refused to give. On the the third visit they didn't even bother to turn up then they forgot me for 5 weeks,then i got a letter saying that i failed to attend the appointment when actually i turned up and even signed in the book. At the last appointment i handed in the word document from refuted which outlines my rights in the hope they would think twice. I as told it was a load of nonsense and that i am only making their job harder!!. So anyway now i have recieved another letter saying that i am being mandated to provide evidence of recent job search activity. I already provide this to the dwp its obvious their not trying to help me into work just screw me over. So my question is: Can someone tell me if i have to do this as in the letter i gave them it says: If you wish me to undertake specific Jobsearch activity you must issue me with a Mandatory Activity Notification, if you want me to provide evidence of my jobsearch please note: “A Work Programme provider may ask you to provide evidence of your job search as part of their support they give you but they cannot mandate you to provide it and you will not be sanctioned if you do not provide it” From: DWP Central FoI Team – 28 February 2014 [9] All evidence of my jobsearch is provided to the Jobcentre. I only realized today about this as its on the back of the letter and so i have only 4 days to sort out a response to this. Any help would be much appreciated.
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