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Everything posted by Beetley

  1. Not that I have found so far, unfortunately. There is a possibility it could be filed away in some old stuff at my parents, but not sure when I will be there to look... Good luck with your case too.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply. So in the box "About your complaint" would this be a good answer? I do not remember taking out this insurance. I cannot recall exactly when I first applied for the credit card, but I have statements going back to 1997 at least. On all of them, until I cancelled the policy in 2007, Cardholder repayment protection was paid whenever I had more than £100 on my credit card bill. However, I did not need this insurance, as the firm I worked for provided me with comprehensive income protection insurance in the event of an accident or illness. I also had significant savings that would have more than paid off the maximum amount I could borrow on the credit card. If this had been explained to me when I took out the insurance I would not have taken it out for the above reasons, therefore I believe the insurance was missold. Thanks
  3. I took out joint Midland Bank VISA / Mastercard credit cards sometime before 1997. I have credit card bills going back to that year, which show that i was paying Cardholder repayment protection from at least that date, but I do not know when I took out the credit card, or when the PPI was sold to me. I do not have any original documentation that I can find so far. I do not remember when I took out the credit card, but could have been from 1989-1997, with somewhere between 1992-1995 most likely probably. I would suspect I applied within branch, but cannot remember, and also that the PPI was sold to me at that time. I cancelled the PPI in 2007. From 1994 in my first true job, I had healthcare insurance that would pay me 75% of my salary indexed linked for the rest of my life if I was off work for illness or due to an accident. I also always had savings that would have paid off more than the maximum amount of the limit of the credit card borrowing. Do I have a good case for claiming miss old PPI? Would the best action to first do a SAR for HSBC, or can I just fill out a PPI consumer questionnaire (I have downloaded a standard one from Martyn Lewis's website) with the above information? Thanks - appreciate any advice you can give.
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