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Everything posted by GP82

  1. What should I be doing now then? Keep offering a repayment plan to QQ, or just wait until the debt it passed on? I have emailed them again today offering to go on a reasonable payment plan . Thanks for the reply, I'm not too savy with such issues.
  2. Just received an email from QQ saying they've sent out a statutory default notice through the post. What does this mean for me? They're demanding immediate payment of £530, which I can't do as im unemployed. Have tried to set up a repayment plan in the past but they haven't been interested after I was unable to stick with one earlier. My worry is people knocking on my door, i live with family and wouldn't want that stress on them, does this happen still? Can someone help, what should i do, im willing to pay small amounts on a repayment plan, 40/50 a month etc. Really worried and stressed out.
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