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Posts posted by Baz1994

  1. Sorry for late reply dx been away and appreciate your replies.

    Yes he has paid the original borrowed amount off but obviously interest on top in which is owed and offer to write off.

    I know it is only a small amount owing but I didn't know whether to attempt to pursue with reclaim of previous paid amount plus interest.

    Or just to accept their offer and have removed from Credit File.

  2. A belated thanks dx.

    Yes I may take your advice regarding StepChange.

    I am finding that I am telling them (on behalf of my Son) the true balances outstanding? They never seem to check properly in which worries me.

    If I was to take on myself is there another way of dealing with various debts?

    I have already submitted other IRL complaints on his behalf.

    Today I have received a further response from Quidie T/A Fernovo confirming that they will waiver all interest paid.

  3. Hi,

    My Son took out various payday loans in which I suggested that he submitted various Irresponsible Lending Complaints due to the state of his finances at the time in which he is now on a Debt Management Plan.

    He has received an offer on one from Quidie offering reduction of balance to Nil from £29.38 plus refund of interest of £8.36.

    They also said that his Credit File would also be updated accordingly.

    I know it is now a small amount but in principle should he accept or escalate to the Financial Ombudsman?

    Details of original loan :

    Opened: November 2022

    Period: 4 x Months

    Credit: £200.00  

    Interest: £100.87

    Total Payable: £300.87

    APR: 1,272.20% 

    Thank-you for looking.

  4. I received a letter from Lowell in April 2023 telling me that they acquired Hoist Finance and included information of a notice of assignment for my Credit Card debt.

    They have been continuously sending letters regarding arranging a repayment plan in which I have ignored.

    In April 2020 previously received a letter from Robinson Way in which I responded with I have no knowledge of debt letter etc and received no reply.

     My problem is I cannot remember when the account defaulted but vaguely remember it was around 2016 so possibly statute barred.

    There is nothing showing on my Credit File for this debt in which is strange.

    My question is if I reply with a No Knowledge of Debt letter or CCA request to the DCA, does this start the 6 year period ticking again?

    Any advice would be appreciated.  

  5. Well I tried dx but does not seem to beAdobe Scan 30 May 2022 (7).pdfworking.


    I will give another try later with any other details part of the GDPR and leave these here for now. .


    In the meantime please see attached Notice of Default details in which I do not remember receiving and rather a bad copy they have sent.


    Also the 1st and last pages of credit card agreement attached where my name was printed on 21/11/13. 


    I cannot find anything further relating to what APR% was applied as looking at the agreement details there are various?


    Many thanks again and will have to brush up on my IT skills.Adobe Scan 30 May 2022 (6).pdf

    Adobe Scan 30 May 2022 (4).pdf Adobe Scan 30 May 2022 (8).pdf

  6. Sorry for delay but had family things all weekend.


    Anyway will try and upload details again via Scanner if can fix it but managed to do something via my mobile.


    In the meantime I today (30th May, 2022) received the attached from Lowell (dated 20th May 2022) in response to my CCA Request to the DCA on 17th May, 2022.


    Is it 12 days plus 1 for them to respond accordingly?

    Adobe Scan 30 May 2022.pdf

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