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  1. Thanks Stu007, that sounds like a plan. I'll request all of that. And once again thank you to everyone who has posted their advice here.
  2. I see what you did there I already did this, they responded by confirming that it was "Not the standard of advice we would normally give" but made no mention of what the advice would normally be. I have asked them what their "standard of advice " would be usually and it seems they have to check with somebody else before they can tell me and I've still got no response.
  3. Thanks to all who have responded so far. Regarding electrical safety, I am not sure if any check was carried out. If it was I haven't been told about it. I did question the safety of the electrics and did ask them to commit their advice to writing back in May, which they have avoided doing, without outright refusing. Their verbal advice was in a nutshell "Don't worry about it, the RCD will just trip the electrics off if the water causes any problems"
  4. Hello everyone, I'm new on the forum although I have been reading here for some time, I am hoping somebody could give me some advice on some issues I am having with my landlord. I am a Housing Association Tenant with an assured tenancy. In May of this year the roof began leaking water into the flats above me and then into the electrical cupboard which is adjacent to my flat. This issue was reported but nothing was done until I made a complaint regarding the matter and then two months later a scaffolding appeared and we were informed that the problem had been fixed. However, following some days of heavy rain in August the roof began leaking again and this time came through into my flat, ruining my carpet, a rug and the paintwork on the walls (all of which are my personal property). I made a complaint regarding this matter and in the mean time I consulted a solicitor, who advised that I should disregard their complaints procedure and write to their chief executive and asking him to provide compensation for the damage. However, my landlord has responded to my complaint by saying that I should claim on my own contents insurance (which I do not have) and but if I do not have contents insurance I must submit a claim to my their insurers accompanied by quotes for replacements and they may consider my claim. I would just like to get peoples opinions on whether I should play ball with the insurers or whether I should contact the CEO as per the solicitors advice. Also my second question is, am I entitled to refuse access to one of my landlords agents? I do not wish to deny my landlord (the Association) access but there is just one of their employees that I am not comfortable dealing with due to their past conduct and attitude towards me and I just do not want them either in my home or contacting me. How does the law stand on this matter? I would like to thank everybody in advance for taking the time to read/respond to my thread.
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