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Everything posted by appleuk

  1. Hi Guys I was wondering if someone could give me any help/ideas/info.... I will try and keep it as short as I can with as much info as I can remember.... I have had a couple of BlackHorse loans in the past which for one reason or another got topped up or rewritten. I think these had PPI on but were a long time ago 10-12 years maybe. The last time I consolidated was perhaps 7 years ago I removed any PPI on the loan but they did request that it be a secured loan which they did. I think it was between 12000/150000. I paid for a few years then I lost some income and stopped. They sent me letter for a while and kept adding interest which ended up being more than my original payment. I couldnt afford to keep living in the house so moved out and rented it out and into a flat. The rent covers the mortgage but nothing else really. I have heard nothing for 18 months now. no calls letters nothing and while I had it in the back of my mind I just (foolishly) did nothing about it. I have received a statement last week dated July 2013 off them saying the balance was now 270000! the last activity on the account from this statement is from August 2011 at which point they were adding almost 500 a month in interest which looks like it stopped in August 2011. There doesn't look like there are any other movement on the account since then? but says the balance is as of July 2013. Im not sure what has happened between 2011 and now? Today I received a letter of assignment to Marlin Europe asking to contact their solicitor. It says they have the title interest benefits and security (i.e the charge on my house?) Im not sure what to do now? My income currently is over 80% less than I used to earn and I take home maybe 600 per month now total so there is no chance I can afford really to offer very much at all. Certainly not for the next 12 months or so. Can/Will Marlin now start adding interest? My house has no equity it in my mortgage was a 95% interest only and my house price dropped because of the market soon after I bought it so there is absolutely no equity in it which would be easy to demonstrate. But how likely and hard are Marlin likely to push me now? What are my options? what can I do? As I hadnt had any contact I never pushed any PPI but there would be some from older agreements but im guessing its from too long ago to do now? and as the agreements rolled from one to another I wouldnt have any idea if/how to do anything? If they went for a possession order would they get one even tho there isnt any equity and in fact serious negative equity? Will my Tenants find out anything? Sorry for all the questions just really scared me. My own foolish fault I know. Any advice of what to do would be really appreciated. Thanks.
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