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  1. i've been with ingeus for the last year and just been given a new adviser .the women i had before was really nice she understood i am a single dad bringing up my 2 young kids on my own and it was hard to find a job that fitted around them but she really did try to find me work .anyways i got this new adviser who from the get go who has been nothing more than a little Hitler. my first interview with him he stuck me in a tiny room with a phone and pretty much forced me to call the tax office to see if i qualified for childcare cost .after 45 mins on the phone and getting told the same thing as i told him witch was yes i do qualify he then sat there and decided he had a job for me so i was like "ok put me trough for it " he was really smug i would get a interview and then said to me that will give me tokens for asda for interview clothes to witch i was told "that's if you can find anything to fit you "with one of them looks..and i didnt get a call back for the job:-( .... anyways fast forward 2 weeks he pretty much tell me there is nothing out there job wise for me and then has a go at me because i cant work weekends because of the kids .so then he comes up with a great plan. he tells me to go self employed and declare to the tax office that im earning £10 a week for working 16 hours .that way i get full housing benefit,full child tax credit,full working tax credit .full child benefit all i have have to do is buy a log book and receipt book and lie trough my teeth saying its taken me sixteen hours to clean a house strum up business for 10 pound a week and get someone to put ten pound in my account just so bank statements show money going in and have fake receipts made to prove it.. that way i get to sign off and don't have to work. he gets paid for getting me to work (his words not mine ) and everyone's happy ..so i leave.. first thing i do is call the tax office .but because im in receipt of benefits he can only advice me if i was talking proper tax not benefits .any way i tell him about this guys plan the tax man said it sounds dodgy but tells me to call working tax credits and ask them. so i get put through to them. i then tell the next person my work advisers plan and she chuckled and said "not likely" we went trough the numbers on how much i would receive if i did it this way etc and low and behold he was telling the truth .i would receive full benefits but what he failed to mention i would most likely be investigated by the inland revenue for tax fraud if im still claiming that at the end of the next tax year. id earn 10 pound a week (£520 a year) only cleaning one house. i'm most likely fiddling in their eyes and all hell would break loose. anyway ive gotta go back in 2 weeks and explain to him why i cant do what he asked and most likely he will threaten to sanction me again and roll his eyes at me AGAIN but i would rather sit there with a little hitler who threatens me than have the tax office who much greater clout than some poxy company .thanks for reading sorry about the length and grammar etc i really needed to get this off my chest ..
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