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Everything posted by Blaahh

  1. Thank you for your reply. Yeah very lucky. She is reason why I have decided to start sorting my life out instead of running away from it all. In terms of financial links, The only thing I have been named on is the council tax bill, I have never been on the rent books with her, Never had joint accounts, Shared utility bills or anything. So I doubt we will be linked on a credit file together. So when I do fill out the form for bankruptcy and it asks for my partners finance details etc, Do I put them down or leave it or do I just gain help in filling out the paperwork?
  2. Hi all, I will start with saying I have been rather stupid over the years when it comes to debt, With mobile phones, pay day loans, Benefit overpayment, Working tax credit debt, bank debts, You name it. I am 29, and for the past 10 years I have just ignored the lot, told them all where to go, Then just over 18 months ago I met the girlfriend, She has changed my way of thinking, and really got me to see sense and take some action. My situation is. I live with my girlfriend, I do not work, however she does, she works full time in a pretty dam good job, I do not claim JSA either, so really the only income we have is what she earns, So she supports me in every way, I have worked for recruitment agencies but I would say about 6month out of the last 18 months I have worked, but at this moment in time I do not have a job nor do I claim benefit. Well in 3 weeks we are moving to a new home etc, I will then be making a JSA contribution based claim, I can not receive money as I have a partner that works. However I am going to go bankrupt. I have around 10k of debt and I do honestly believe bankruptcy is my only option and I would be happy doing so, just so I can have a fresh start. However I have a few questions that I can not seem to find online anywhere! maybe the answers are there but I am not finding them. 1 - I have been registered with that fraud prevention agency, Cfas or something like that. Would this prevent me in going bankrupt? It was caused by TMOBILE when I got a contract phone and just didn't pay the bill. STUPID I know but hey.. 2 - My partner is awesome in everyway, BUT she has never contributed towards my debts, and never will do, She is cool with paying all the bills and outing food on the table and making sure I have fags but the line is drawn when it comes to paying my debts that was made before we even met. WE have spoken about me going bankrupt, She thinks its a good idea. Would she HAVE to pay towards anything during my bankruptcy? She did make it clear because the debts are not hers and was made before we met she will never pay towards them, But she would be happy in still paying the bills and buying food etc. 3 - Would her credit be affected? The reason I ask this is because her credit is squeaky clean. And her credit being affected would seriously affect her job. So to clarify things up. My partner pays for food, pays the bills, BUT she does not give me cash, she just makes sure I am fed, warm and clothed. Any advice or answers please?
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