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Everything posted by smallbutmighty

  1. Thanks, I have to say I am very worried about this to say the least and I have not been in this position before and have no idea what to do about it
  2. I have just had through the post a Stat Demand, however I have some questions in regards to this - I have spoken to our county court about this and they are slightly confused as well so any help will be greatly appreciated. The demand is for rental arrears for the sum of £1234.78 - firstly when I spoke to our local court they have stated that it will go to the appropriate court where the debt occured however on this demand it states [the High Court of Justice] [Northampton. . . .] and below it states that any application to set aside this demand should be made to that court - the debt occured in surrey?? It was delivered by post which I received yesterday but the date on the demand is the 12th. At the bottom of part A on this form it says that a - you have only 18 days to apply to the court to have it set aside which has been striked through which leaves me with b you only have 21 days before the creditor may present a bankruptcy petition. Firstly can I get this set aside and secondly given that reading are slightly confused as to why it says northampton but have told me to apply to them being reading is this correct? Secondly I want to have this set aside for the reasons that follow: We took on x rental property and had to redecorate which they agreed to pay for but haven't done so so far and we are owed an outstanding sum of £1200 - it states on the checkin that walls etc need painting and was agreed along with the cost which was either to be paid in full or offset against our monthly rental. They entered the property illegally whilst we were in the process of moving out and several items of value have gone missing - they had admitted to entering the property without our consent and whilst we still had personal items in there. We have written to them on numerous occassions regarding this as there were several items of value that have disappeared but had no correspondance from them. Finally we have not received our deposit back and the landlord sent us a letter clearly stating that our deposit is for damages and can not be set off against any arrears, yet we still have not had this returned to us. I am now at my wits end with this, however I do not see why they should get away with this and that my partner and I be made bankrupt. Any help would be appreciated
  3. No-one has issued a demand for the repayment, no court order etc, Our deposit was placed in 'my deposits' which is a deposit protection scheme I believe. On the visit yesterday he returned from his car saying that they would accept £700 and that would be the end of it. The debt outstanding is £2400 however this is where the problem lies as we as a company are owed £1200 for the professional redecoration of the property at the beginning of the tenancy - we have receipts, invoices etc - they acknowledged and agreed to this before we commenced the work by the way (we run a property refurbishment company), we have photo's of before and after along with current tenats that are happy to provide statements. there are also other disputes that we have the main one being of the fact that we had a constant sewage reflux (by this I mean that I had what had been going down every one elses toilet coming back through mine and the bathroom plughole!) in the toilet and bath and this was never seen to - I will also state that it was a fixed 'mobile home' and a shorthold tenancy agreement. Prior to us leaving we offered to pay the £1200 and they did not want to know and were told that legal proceedings were in process and that was it?? In short they have taken the deposit which was £1200 the os deb owed to us is £1200 so all in all no money is owed to either party - not that simple I am sure Direct collections have turned up again today and despite being told there is a dispute they do not want to know. I also received a letter from them this morning dated monday this week stating that we have 7 days to contact them in order to respond prior to them taking action. He again showed up with no paper work or id and I told him that I would not deal with them unless they had identification and paper work to which his response was be a shame to mark a pretty face.
  4. Hi all, Really sorry if I have posted this in the wrong place so do tell me We have a dispute with our previous private landlord over outstanding arrears, I will try and keep it short - Firstly when we moved into the property we had to redecorate, clean (it was disgusting and the bathroom toilet was vile). We notified the landlord and the property manager of this and whether they chose to do it or we would do it and invoice them for the labor and materials as according to our agreement the property was menat and should be put back to neutral colours etc etc. S we carried out the work and the invoice total came to £1200 which we sent to them, they acknowledged verbally however we have still never received payment for this. My partner and I fell on very hard times at the end of last year as his business died of death (he's a builder) and we fell behind with our rent, we notified the landlord of our situation and managed to keep paying them until we exhausted all avenues until we had to go to the council and ask for help, neither of us had done this so all very new. Council were lovely but we fell a month behind on our rent- when we notified the landlord that the council were involved and back dating our rent to cover that month they basically told us they didn't care and 4 hours later whilst we were at home as I had just had my son who was only a week old a section 21 was posted through our door, we tried to resolve this but they were not interested. We moved out at the end of April due to this prior to the eviction - our parents helped us secure our new property. However during the period whilst we were moving furniture etc to the new property they entered the property illegally (they have admitted this) not once but twice! Stupidly at the time of moving I couldn't find my watch or earings and I thought I had just packed them but never brought this up since finally unpacking they and several other items can not be found Not only this but they have kept our deposit without informing or notifying us and are still trying to claim an outstanding amount. We openly gave them our new address and they have the correct contact numbers yet have made no effort to resolve this matter or speak with us Where do we stand as I have had a thug from direct collections turn up who I have to say was down right rude and told me they would make us bankrupt. He went off this afternoon and said that he would be back this evening with a bankruptcy order - needless to say he hasn't reappeared! His behavior was intimidating. I was at home with our son on my own and from what I have seen on this site they are not pleasant to deal with. He showed me no paperwork or id except for a business card -- I have to say they must be doing well as he was driving a brand new bmw!! I explained the situation and that there was a dispute and his attide was tough **** not my problem pay up and I will go away Could anyone offer any ideas in regards to the dispute and secondly how do I stop direct collections ltd, I do not want to be put in a situation where I feel unsafe and threatened especially with a young baby ?? Thanks
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