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kilo bravo

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Everything posted by kilo bravo

  1. hello everybody, im here to share my 2 cents with the way orange are ripping us off, with 1.50 itemised billing. it may seem trivial to some people, but because i get unlimited text messages, i simply bought some pay as you go sims, and blasted out thousands of text messages to myself, each message being 5 messages long. believe you me, the ink to print, the number of pages, and the postage it costs to send to me, they are losing that 1.50 hand over fist, my last bill was 61 pages long, and my next bill will be 200 pages minimum, this is how i hit back at orange. im also considering requesting my last 3 months bills, they will be printing off a statement thicker than the yellow pages, think postage charges, ink is dam expensive, and all that paper, then ask them to buy out your contract, they will jump at the chance, and waive that 2 year contract goodbye, because your the 1 costing them money.
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