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I predict a Riot

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  1. Many thanks for the reply Fingers crossed that they do deduct the previous "time served" I will find out for sure in a couple of weeks when I return. The prospect of possibly having to start all over again is enough to make me consider throwing myself in the nearest canal. Mind you, from what I have been reading about the upcoming Universal Credit, UJM *35hr a week job search* and CAP etc....the canal idea doesn't seem so bad after all. Goodbye Democracy, it was nice knowing you!
  2. I was with these vultures for 6 months and then got a job that lasted 7 months. I have just made a new JSA claim and been referred straight back to them Does the previous time I was with them get deducted from the "2 year sentence" or start again from the day I have to return to them? Please don't tell me the clock resets....I have enough grey hair already!
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