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Everything posted by peanutman

  1. I forgot to say I have never been in trouble before and am gutted to be in this position, if it does go to court is it likely I will go to prison?
  2. Hi all thanks for the replies. The few jobs I did were of 1hr a peice when I was feeling I could do these. I said on the form that I struggled in situations with lots of people and these were 1:1 situations but I still found them hard even when I was feeling ok. The issues I had and that were on my forms were intermittent. I spoke to a solicitor today and they have told me to write back to the DWP and appeal aainst the points I feel are not right so I will do this. I was in a real state when I applied for DLA with mental health and other health issues so I hope they take this into account. Its all very stresful.
  3. Hi All new poster here. I have been interviewed under caution for DLA fruad. I was given higher rate care and lower rate mobility 3 years ago and being Bipolar T2 and having issues with Colitis disease too I had major depression, was not able to work for periods and needed help from others in day to day life. I also attempted suicide twice. Anyway, I did work when I was well enough to but suffered from anxiety and being in new places etc and was in a state generally. I got the DLA anyway. 2 months ago I was invited to an interview about this and they found I had been doing some work which they felt contradicted what I had said in my application, i.e. I had panic attacks, needed the toilet regulary and had issues with anxiety with large groups . I explained this was only done when I was well enough and accounted for a max of 8-10 indivual one off jobs a year, Anyway I have now had a letter saying they dont think I am entitled to the DLA from a few months after my DLA started 3 years ago. They have said they will write to me seperately about this. They are saying I should have informed them if things had improved, I did say in the interview that some areas were a bit better but I still suiffered with alot of other areas now and just tried to work through them as best I could So a few questions, obviously I am worried 1. I will appeal obviously but if I dont win I will have to repay circa 13k, I am on a Debt plan due to financial issues on the back of a divorce and I cant afford much to repay this, can I pay over time if this is the decision, i..e monthly, will they ask for all of it back at once? 2. What sort of penalty will I get for this, i.e. will I have to go to court, get a criminal record etc? They seem to suggest in the letter that the evidence suggests I should not have had DLA at all which I refute and think the evidence has been twisted to make this appear so, however I am worried that an criminal investigator will see this as black and white and charge me.. I have never had anything like this before and never been in trouble before, so its all new to me.. Any advice or help on this would be great. thanks Worried
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