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  1. My advisor rang me last week and asked me to come tomorrow to do jobsearches at Ingeus. I did not receive a letter in writing telling me to come with the time etc but he told me over the phone last week, he said I will get an automated text the day before to remind me. Suppose I 'forgot' about the interview and did not go, could I be in any trouble?
  2. Hi all, So this will be my 4th appointment to Ingeus, my advisor has asked me to come in to do some job searching? I told him I had access to a a) a computer and b) the internet. He then told me I had to and gave me the whole we have experienced staff here at your disposal to assist you... I don't like wasting my time with things, it is a pain for me to get to Ingeus to be only asked to apply for jobs. What did you guys/girls do?
  3. Possibly if I do decide to go (depending on whether my advisor hits me with a mandatory letter asking me to go). But from what jasta11 has experienced it seems like a waste of time, personally I live far away and would be a hassle for me to go there.
  4. Apparently its been in the making for quite some time now, many millions has been spent organizing it. Thats what my ingeus advisor said to me
  5. Thanks for your advice again guys/girls. On the leaflet it says there will be 40 top employers (gives you the impression that you will be speaking directly to the people who are in charge of recruitment) but I have a feeling it will be just as RebeccaPidgeon described.
  6. Thanks for that link chester6. I apologise in advance if this has been discussed before. So my Ingeus advisor has given me a leaflet regarding a jobs event in Liverpool, on the 18th April to attend to. He stated that I had to go, but I want to know - is it really mandatory for me to attend? He even has made an appointment for me to see him 2 days before this event, so he can tell me all about it.
  7. I gave him my CV to tweak in my first meeting. I had no background knowledge to ingeus and as far as I was aware they were the guys that could get me a job, since honestly my time with my jobcentre advisor was a waste, alot of random jobs printed and gave to me, interviews lasted for 5-10minutes. On the other hand, my Ingeus advisor seemed friendly, and understanding. He told me of a company that Ingeus was exclusive to and that this company would take on people looking for work via Ingeus. After asking more about this job it seemed great; good pay, good hours etc. Admittedly my CV isn't the very best, it lacks content and after the advisor offered to tweak it as he said he got a few others onto the job, I didn't have a reason to doubt him. To think that this advisor was trying to fake his friendliness towards me leaves me shocked. I am somewhat desperate to get a paid job, and reading this site definately has prepared me for future interviews with my advisor. So I definately appreciate everyones input and experience. This was my first interview with Ingeus and so far I felt it went good, but I most sure will keep my eye on my advisor in future to see if his intentions are genuine or not.
  8. Thanks for the swift responses guys and girls. I made the mistake of my first Igneus meeting to sign the forms they gave me, thus allowing them to send my CV to jobs on my behalf. My Igneus advisor told me of a great job opportunity and asked for my CV to tweak, I gave him the 'dumbed' down version of it, but I am still debating whether I also give him the additional information (working in friends shop) as this would definately increase my chances of getting the job. I just don't know if I do go ahead and give him the additional cv info, that he would contact Jobcentre and thus creating a bigger problem for me.
  9. Hello guys and girls, Started the work programme as Ingeus last week (liverpool). My advisor seemed nice and friendly, got another appointment in 2 weeks. So here my situation, while on JSA I was 'working' in my close friends shop for 2 months (2-4 hours a day, 4 days a week). I did not get paid for this (he just cannot afford the staff) I was just helping a good friend out and really was just a hangout more than a 'job'. My Jobcentre advisor asked me if I had previous work experience and I unknowingly told him that I'm working for my friend, helping him out etc and he told me that I should watch out and it was illegal to do so, as I am required to get paid for it thus it may affect my benefit as it was fraud. I told him fine, I would stop and that I had no idea that it was wrong. But, being a good friend I continued to help him out, as surely the extra work experience would help me get a job. Now I'm actually trying to update my CV, and I'm really unsure what to do. I would like to add that I worked for 2 months in a shop as it will only enhance my CV but I'm worried incase the Jobcentre would see it as fraud and give me problems. So my question is, if I updated my CV and handed it in to my Ingeus advisor, would he contact the Jobcentre about it? Or would I be 'safe' because honestly my CV lacks content.
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