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  1. My fiancés mother is currently going through an appeal to get ESA as well as seeing someone about DLA. She plays up on her depression, she is just very lazy and wants everyone to do everything for her. She says she stays with her partner or with us (my fiancé, son and myself) 'sometimes', when really she lives with her partner and stays over at his house permanently (maybe going over to hers once a week to collect mail or to drink with family or friends if they are up, she recently got an anti social complaint warning in writing). She rarely comes to visit us and has never stayed over as we dont have a spare room and there is no need for her to stay when she has his house and her own. My fiancé is only ever down to go to meetings with her relating to her appeal, or to go to the doctors with her. He does not go up to look after her as she likes to write in her appeal forms. She has made him go to tell her doctor she is incontinent (when she isint, it's a pure lie, a lie that she is too embarrassed to bring up herself so she gets my partner to do it) and is hoping to be given pads as that would help her appeal. Her partner works, sometimes he's away for a few days and she is herself in his flat, where she takes care of herself without any problems. she can cook, clean and wash herself, but she has told her lawyer she can't do any of this stuff (to help her appeal). Her money goes on alcohol for her and her partner. Her house is a two bedroom and its a waste just sitting there empty with so many people struggling to find a house. Even though she doesn't live there, she is still in receipt of housing benefit. She recently told my fiancé to tell the housing she had to move a fridge and a microwave into her bedroom as she can't manage the stairs, which is a lie but she is trying to get hold of them to use for a housing visit. He took her to the doctors to ask about putting her medication up, the doctor refused as she has been on the same dose for years and never complained about it before, he wants her to sort out her alcohol problem and keep a diary of her incontinence (that she doesn't have). As my fiancé knows she is playing up on things, can he be found guilty of aiding and abetting? I am so worried. He ever I question him he says he will move out so I'm not involved, but I don't want my family ripped apart just because she's too lazy to go and get a job! I have never been in trouble with the police and don't intend to get involved in anything illegal for her sake. My fiancé seems to think they can't get him for anything, as he is just asking the doctor and agreeing with whatever his mother says, but I'm pretty sure that's all they need? Sorry it's so long, I'm just so concerned. We have a 4 year old and I don't want him being made to go through his daddy being arrested or whatever.
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