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Howard Roark

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  1. Thanks for your help signmaker:)
  2. Hi Signmaker, Thats what I thought - my problem is that I am having some financial problems and am unsure whether I will have the funds to get a bus there to start with! Im seeing the local CAB next week about that issue anyway. If it was a few miles then i would walk - but its 9 miles away - across the countryside (maybe I should get a horse ? lol!). Unfortunately, my story is no different from many others contributing to the thread (in fact, many I have read are in a terrible situation). We all want, and are seeking, work. We just need some common sense help and to be treated like human beings - rather than some sort of work-shy,irrelevent entity! And like most people, Im really worried about my appointments I have with the pimps next week - more so , that I dont get sanctioned for losing my temper (if I have to answer another question like, "Why do you want a job" - I think I will self-harm lol). And how I will afford to get to future appointments:)
  3. Thanks flumps:) mmmmm between JCP and the drones then lol:) Cant wait for that bloodbath. Well - will see what the official line comes back as and dodge the sanctions / threats etc like the rest of us - if I get that far lol
  4. Hello All, I wonder if someone can help! After being placed on the work programme recently, my signing on location has now been changed (now 9 miles away - rather than walking distance). I have advised the Jobcentre that I am unable to afford to travel to the new office - and also the work programme which is in the same town. They (Jobcentre) have basically said that its hard luck - and if i dont attend either then my claim will be stopped! I intend to write to both the Jobcentre and Ingeus about this - but has anyone got any thoughts? Thanks for your help:)
  5. I agree Osdset - I think this is one of many issues where the country needs to wake up. I wonder if doing online petitions or writing to IDS directly would make any difference. If enough people do it, then maybe ??? I have a friends who recently had some issues with the jobcentre, after he was made redundant. To cut a long story short, he wrote to IDS and also emailed his letter to as many local / national newspapers as he could. He now receives some form of JSA payment (which was stopped before) and also only has to sign on / attend once a month !!
  6. I Hello All, I'm new here and have been reading the posts about WP / Ingeous. I had my first meeting with Ingeous today and my experience was no different from many of you. I handed my 'advisor' the letter from DONOTSIGN about declining consent /data protection and I think it blew here mind! This 'tick-box' scheme is a waste of time and, to be honest, I am not going to participate. I told Ingeous this and said they can impose as many sanctions as they like - as I do not receive any money for signing for JSA - and have'nt done since October 2012 (I was fortunate to have some unemployment cover to pay bills, etc - and this was deemed enough money to live on by the DWP - hence my claim for Income Based JSA was declined)!. Once my insurance ends next month, I think I will lose my home anyway unless I can get something sorted out (??). Like the majority of job seekers, I have been actively looking for work, attempting to apply for training, contacted employers regarding work experience - so dont need these idiots 'advising' me how to complete a CV or how to look for work! To be honest, I think I've just had enough lol! I will keep everyone posted of any outcomes as it may offer some help to others:) I'm presently trying to sort my affairs out with the CAB - but as I advised Ingeous today - I'm more concerned about not being made homeless rather than attending any pointless 'course' they offer! Apologies for the moan - just had to get this off my chest:)
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