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Everything posted by Rhysm

  1. HI there, in need of a little help and advice. I recently received a Judgement for Claimant letter from Northampton CCBC, with Lowell Portfolio as claimant and bwlegal acting as solicitors for a debt of £4,279.36 When i read this i was in total bewilderment as to what this could be about, thinking that it was a fake letter. When I called the number for the courts on the letter and gave claim number they confirmed that it was in fact real. They advised me to complete form N244 with a request to 'set aside' and contact bwlegal to get more information relating to this claim. One thing to note is that I never received a Claim Form for this prior to getting the Judgement for Claimant letter, and have never received letters from Lowell or bwlegal. I do however recall getting phone calls from a Lowell Portfolio, but because i would not give them any personal information until they told me who they were (as i had no clue) and what they were calling for, they would just say they cannot take the call any further until I confirm some details. When I called bwlegal, they informed me it was for non payment of a debt with HBOS and was for a credit/store card that was taken out in 1996. They informed me that the last payment made on the account was for £6 and was made in August 2008 with a writing of balance of £2,986.36. The thing is, I have no knowledge or memory of this debt ever existing, I have never banked with Halifax Bank of Scotland in my life and have certainly never taken out a credit/store card with them. There is not even a record of this on my credit file, apart from a CCJ relating to this. What do I need to do to get this 'set aside' and dropped all together? Any help and advice on what I need to do with this would be greatly appreciated.
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